Eric Zuesse
Recently, President Barack Obama’s friend whom he appointed to represent this country at the United Nations visited Ukraine and used the Ukrainian-language translation and variant of the German Nazi Party’s “Deutschland über alles,” or “Germany above all,” to honor Ukraine’s own racist fascists, that nation’s ideological nazis, whom the U.S. had used in February 2014 for overthrowing Ukraine’s neutralist democratically elected President. This was not our U.N. Ambassador’s first foray into international nazi political pandering.
On 21 November 2014, Samantha Power, America’s U.N. Ambassador, had, in fact, been one of only three out of the 173 nations at the U.N., who voted against a resolution that condemned nazism and all forms of state-sponsored bigotry, and that specifically condemned Holocaust-denial; and she gave as the reason, that the resolution offended the government of Ukraine; but Ukraine wasn’t even mentioned in it. Canada voted against it because the United States did; and the United States voted against it because Ukraine did. Both Canada and U.S. were thus supposedly copying Ukraine.
Ukraine happens to be the world’s only country that has two nazi, or racist-fascist, political parties. One of them, Svoboda meaning “Freedom,” had originally been named the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine (inverting Hitler’s National Socialist Party of Germany), until the CIA advised them to change that to “Svoboda” so that the U.S. public (who take pride in “freedom”) could accept them. The other, Right Sector, provided the storm-troopers who carried out the extremely violent February 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, while the “Maidan” demonstrations against him had been organized by one of the two co-founders of Svoboda, Andrei Parubiy, who was even called the “Commandant of Maidan.” Obama relied upon Parubiy to succeed. Parubiy did; and his chief assistant, Dmitriy Yarosh was the head of Ukraine’s other nazi party, and had trained the storm-troopers. Parubiy and Yarosh were a perfect team. It was a skillful Obama job.
The current Ukrainian government came to power with Victoria Nuland of the U.S. State Department making the key appointments both during those ‘democracy’ demonstrations and then finally in determining who would lead the new government. (The founder of the ‘private CIA’ firm, Stratfor, called it “the most blatant coup in history.”) And, then, this new Ukrainian government commenced an ethnic cleansing campaign against the residents of its Donbass region, which had voted more than 90% for the Ukrainian President whom Obama overthrew. If Donbass’s voters survive within Ukraine, then Obama’s government won’t stand a chance of staying in power in future elections. So, these people have to be gotten rid of. Obama needed nazis in order to stand even a chance of getting rid of the people in Donbass. He needed the nazis first in order to win power in Ukraine, and then in order to be able to hold it (via that ethnic cleansing). Andrei Parubiy became the head of Ukraine’s ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ (ATO) to exterminate (and/or drive out) the residents in Donbass; and Dmitriy Yarosh became the provisioner of the storm troops who supplied the terror within the now-rump Ukraine, such as by means of the burning-alive of regime-opponents inside the Odessa Trade Unions Building on 2 May 2014.
Our U.N. Ambassador, Ms. Power, recently visited the scene of this overthrow, in Kiev, and she presented there “Remarks at the October Palace,” on 11 June 2015. Her first big applause-line to the assembled hyper-nationalists was: “As one of the great rallying cries of the Maidan put it: Ukraina po-nad u-se! Ukraine above all else! [Applause.]” That phrase resonates deeply among Hitler-admirers in Ukraine’s population. (There aren’t many of them, but they’re America’s most devoted supporters in Ukraine, who associate America with hatred of Russia.)
Here is a video of that phrase (“Ukraine above all!”) being used frequently by Ukraine’s nazis — their “Ukraine über alles!” As they make clear by their accompanying phrase, “Russians on knives!” their craving to kill Russians, just as much as Hitler’s nazis — the original ones — craved to kill Jews. But instead of Hitler’s promise to hang all Jews from lamp-posts, Ukraine’s nazis crave especially to stab Russians to death. Right Sector rallies often combine that “Russians on knives!” with the Ukrainian version of “Heil! Heil! Heil!,” and “Death to enemies!” Various nazi insignia, sometimes even the swastika, festoon their clothing and the flags they proudly carry. Here is a good history of Right Sector. It even documents their collaboration with Hitler’s forces in mass-murdering Jews and Poles. But this was prior to recent decades, when the CIA demanded they tone that rhetoric down — express their hatred against only Russians. However, in private, both Svoboda and Right Sector make clear that they intend to get rid of Jews and Poles after Russia is conquered. So: for the time being, they toe America’s line. It’s the only way they can have a chance to achieve their hoped-for victory against Russia, because each of the two nazi parties wins only about 3 to 4 percent of the votes — even residents in the most conservative northwestern parts of Ukraine aren’t nearly as far to the right as what Obama’s Administration wishes they were.
Samantha Power said in Ukraine:
Let me begin with what we know brought people out to the Maidan in the first place.
We’ve all heard a good number of myths about this. One told by the Yanukovych government and its Russian backers at the time was that the Maidan protesters were pawns of the West, and did not speak for the “real” Ukraine. A more nefarious myth peddled by Moscow after Yanukovych’s fall was that Euromaidan had been engineered by Western capitals in order to topple a democratically-elected government.
The facts tell a different story. As you remember well, then-President Yanukovych abandoned Kyiv of his own accord, only hours after signing an agreement with opposition leaders that would have led to early elections and democratic reforms. And it was only after Yanukovych fled the capital that 328 of the 447 members of the democratically-elected Rada voted to strip him of his powers – including 36 of the 38 members of his own party in parliament at the time. Yanukovych then vanished for several days, only to eventually reappear – little surprise – in Russia.
As is often the case, these myths reveal more about the myth makers than they do about the truth. Moscow’s fable was designed to airbrush the Ukrainian people – and their genuine aspirations and demands – out of the Maidan, by claiming the movement was fueled by outsiders.
She was feeding the anti-Russian hatred that helped (besides U.S. payments) to fuel the shock-troops for the coup and that continue to fuel the ethnic-cleansing campaign against the residents in Donbass.
Her words mean nothing, but the evidence means everything, and it’s all here. She can’t be ignorant of those things. She simply ignores them. After all: how could she even conceivably counter such solid evidence? It’s much easier for her simply to lie.
Barack Obama is the first U.S. President ever to install, in any country, an outright racist-fascist, or nazi, regime. His friend Ms. Powers is merely part of that operation. She is a scholar of genocide whose cumbersomely written 2002 book about that subject, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, won the 2003 Non-Fiction Pulitzer Prize. And, of course, Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
The reason is clear how the United States came to have one of only three nazi or pro-nazi governments in the world: the United States Government wants to destroy Russia; and the strong nazi contingent in next-door Ukraine are eager to help; so, they’re used.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity, and of Feudalism, Fascism, Libertarianism and Economics.