Mass 3-Day Protest Outside GCHQ

RINF Alternative News

A mass protest outside GCHQ is about to take place from Friday to Monday, in an effort to raise concerns about the increasing amount of surveillance citizens are subjected to by British and foreign Governments.

The 3-day protest has been organised  the We Are Anonymous group and it estimated that around 600 people will attend.

Chief Inspector Mark Ravenscroft, bronze commander for the protest said: “We have been in contact with the organisers of the protest and looking at the web-pages they’ve used to organise the action.

“We don’t have a firm number of protesters that we’re expecting. And nor do the organisers, but they’re talking about some hundreds rather than thousands; we’ve taken that and added a few more for contingency purposes when planning police resources.

“We’re looking at placing the protestors along the stretch of Hubble Road between the roundabout Telstar Way at the Western End of GCHQ and the roundabout at the entrance to the site. There’s plenty of room with some big grass verges.

“That will allow us to close the road without disrupting too much residents who want to use Telstar Way or the other end of Hubble Road off Princess Elizabeth Way, and it shouldn’t prevent staff from GCHQ from getting to work.”