US strike on North Korea could result in all-out war: Scholar

A US military strike against North Korea’s nuclear facilities could spark an all-out war, warns Professor Dennis Etler, an American political analyst who has a decades-long interest in international affairs.

Etler, a professor of Anthropology at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday while commenting on US threats of launching a strike against North Korea.

“The unlearned man in the White House is oblivious to the real world around him as it seems are the leaders in both US political parties. Mired in opulence and a false sense of omnipotence Trump swaggers around the globe like a drunken sailor,” Professor Etler said.

“First Yemen, then Syria, then Afghanistan and soon [North] Korea, Trump thinks he can solve the world’s problems by throwing bigger and better bombs at them. There is however a pattern to his madness,” he added.  

“The Yemen strike was meant to announce to…

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