The War on Islam: Irrational U.S. Behavior or Calculated Zionist Plan?

Part 3: Readings in the Jewish Zionist Control of the United States: Interviews with Francis Boyle, James Petras, and Kim Petersen

by B.J. Sabri / April 6th, 2017

Is the belligerent U.S. enmity toward Islam an expression of the Jewish Zionist control of the United States? The second question is equally as pertinent as the title’s question. Recalling the Crusades, is it not legitimate to question whether we are witnessing a replay of Pope Urban II and over two centuries of pillaging European wars on the people of the Eastern Mediterranean under the pretext of liberating the “holy land” from Muslims? Is the analogy of a replay true or false?

To debate this issue, the hating of Islam could never be separated from the political and ideological conditions that allow it to happen. This means rational factors rooted in the politics of U.S. imperialism are orchestrating the anti-Islam campaign and using it as a tool of war against the Arabs. Proving this point, with the exception of Afghanistan, no other predominantly Muslim country has become a theater for U.S. wars except the Arab states.

There is something literally sinister about the Hating Islam Phenomenon and all this deafening noise seeking to perpetuate America’s destruction of the Arab nations under the guise of war on “islamic terror”. Who created this criminal type of war and why? Who turned it into a catchphrase to the point that when uttered alone, the word “terrorism” means violence by…

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