SPLC Keeps Denying that Black-on-White Violence Is Happening

Think of the odds: every day, for years, the Southern Poverty Law Center has been cranking out studies, talking points, and direct mail (oh, sweet, sweet mail!) to show how black people are victims of relentless white racism, all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything.

Just a few days ago, the SPLC declared that black-on-white violence is the “biggest lie” because everyone knows the real problem is white-on-black violence.

But what crazy luck: The more the SPLC says black criminality is a myth, the more it just keeps happening.  Isn’t that what you would call a day at the races, where every winner went off at more than 100 to 1? 

Maybe it’s just the World’s Greatest Coincidence.

Or maybe the SPLC’s work is odder than a nine-bob note.

Let’s look at just a few examples of black violence, all of which happened since the SPLC’s latest report a few days ago.  All of the keep happening wildly out of proportion. All of them, the SPLC could not care less about.

In New York City, a black woman was walking down the street, bumping into white ladies.  When one of the white women suggested she stop assaulting white pedestrians, the black woman started hitting the white woman with a heavy metal box, all the while yelling and threatening, “Take that you white b—-,” followed by “that’s what you get, white b—-.”

That’s another unlucky turn on the SPLC wheel of fortune. 

A few hours later in Boston, a black women did not like the way an old handicapped white dude…

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