Prison » Elizabeth Warren Hints at Other Documents Claiming Native American Heritage

February 8, 2019

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) insisted once again on Wednesday that “family lore” was sufficient justification for claiming — beginning in 1984 in the Pow Wow Chow cookbook and in 1986 on her Texas Bar registration card — that she has Native American heritage.

She also hinted that more documents from “from that point in time” — presumably the 18-year period between 1986 and 2004 — may surface in which she identified as an American Indian in legally significant documents.

“Are there any more documents or forms like this out there that you have listed yourself as that could come out?” one reporter asked Warren specifically on Wednesday.

Warren responded:

Look, this is who I grew up believing with my brothers, this is our family’s story and it’s all consistent from that point in time, but as I said, it’s important to note I’m not a tribal citizen and I should have been more mindful of the distinction with tribal citizenship and tribal sovereignty and that is why I apologized to Chief Baker and why I’ve made a very public apology.

“Could there be other documents out there with you self-identifying as American Indian?” another reporter asked.

“So all I know is during this time period, this is consistent with what I did because it was based on my understanding from my family’s stories. But family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship and this is why I have apologized both to Chief Baker — who was very gracious about it — and have apologized publicly,” Warren answered.

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This article was posted: Friday, February 8, 2019 at 7:13 am