Cowering In the Deportation Bus: Racists 0, Protesters 1


Gang members protest racism in Clarkston. Photo by Scott Rogers

Determined to go as low as he can go without falling into the raging fires of hell while out-Trumping Trump on the same day the alleged leader of the free world called immigrants “animals,” GOP state senator, former state Trump campaign co-chair, “fearless conservative” and, despite fierce competition, Georgia’s most vile gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams took his prized “Deportation Bus” on the road Wednesday to catch him some dark-skinned illegals. Because Trump’s ICE hasn’t already promulgated enough hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric and activity – most recently, moves to forcibly split spouses and penalize visa holders if they have health insurance – Williams has run an ad boasting he will send undocumented immigrants “home” via his flamboyant bus featuring, in large letters, “DANGER! Murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molestors (sic), and other criminals on board,” and below it, “Follow Me To Mexico.”

The ad was removed from YouTube Wednesday for violating its policy on hate speech – Williams blasted the act as a crime by “the hard left” – but it’s reportedly since been restored. “We’re going to implement my 287(g) Deportation Plan that’s going to fill this bus with illegals and send them back to where they came from,” Williams says in the ad. “We’re not going to just track them (and) watch them roam around our state.” He also announced a tour – and “not one of those pansy political tours” – to each of Georgia’s “dangerous sanctuary cities” to “expose how dangerous illegal aliens ruin local economies, cost American jobs, increase healthcare costs, and lower education standards.” If you’re also a racist clown and “you want to see this bus filled with illegals,” he says, vote for him.

Wednesday’s tour got off to a rough start in Gainesville, where protesters outnumbered supporters about five to one in the rain and a skittish Williams left without giving his planned speech; he blamed fears of vandalism, citing rumors of paint-throwing on his cherished bus that nobody else had heard. The bus then headed to a refugee center in Clarkston, in a strip mall also housing a Nepalese restaurant and a Halal butcher. There, the bus was greeted by a handful of supporters and (still raining) a swarm of over 100 protesters – enough that Williams stayed holed up in the bus, safe from the barbaric hordes, while inviting reporters inside. Then he made up another threat – gang members! – before abruptly cancelling the next stop in Athens; Williams  claimed the bus was blocked by violent “Antifa and radical liberals,” aka multi-hued, often white-haired protesters who evidently, inexplicably believe in the humanity of all people.

Happily, Williams already faced dismal poll numbers of about 3% in the May 22 primary for what remains a deep red state; with the “tour” debacle and his share of negative publicity before it, maybe at least one in-your-face asshole bigot will now hit the dust. On social media, Williams and his friggin’ bus had previously been blasted as “despicable…vile…an insult to humanity.” “While dodging MS-13 on my way to work, I did hit a few potholes,” . “Too bad no one is running on infrastructure.” Others asked some excellent questions about the Deportation Bus: “Were they out of cattle cars?” “What are the laws on property damage? Asking for a friend.” And, “Can we deport the entire GOP?” Yes, please.




Via Common Dreams. This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.