New York Times Big Lies

by Stephen Lendman

(RINF) – The Times is an establishment publication – a lying machine, a mouthpiece for powerful monied interests at the expense of popular ones.

Hard truths are suppressed. Managed news misinformation substitutes. Readers are systematically lied to on issues mattering most.

Times editors, correspondents and contributors aren’t journalists. They’re guardians of wealth, power and privilege. On January 22, two editorials willfully lied about Vladimir Putin and America’s economy.

A previous article discussed Putin straight talk v. Obama double talk. It discussed what The Times and other media scoundrels never explain – the truth about Putin’s forthrightness, his advocacy for peace and stability and support for mutual cooperation among all nations v. Obama’s serial lying and war on humanity.

Not according to Times editors. Bashing Putin irresponsibly is longstanding practice – this time in part trying to denigrate the impressive St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) attended by a record 10,000 participants from around 120 countries, including numerous corporate CEOs and top government officials – defying US sanctions.

Over 200 contracts were signed with Russian companies worth $5.4 billion during the three-day event ending Saturday. Expect many more to follow.

The event was impressive, a smashing success. Times editors lied saying it “was not all that it seemed.” They bashed Putin’s straight talk about Ukraine, US-led Western responsibility for a new Cold War and other major geopolitical issues.

They outrageously called his forthrightness “mythology…fantasy.” They insulted readers claiming he used “foreign executives as props” while “looking more desperate than confident that he will win the confrontation with the West.”

Putin is a master chess player. His strategic thinking is longterm. He makes Obama look buffoon-like in comparison – a serial liar, moral coward, war criminal multiple times over, a disgrace to the office he holds.

A recent poll had Putin’s approval rating at 88%. Russians admire his forthrightness. Obama struggles to hold 40%. Why anyone supports him they’ll have to explain.

He broke every major promise made. Putin is a man of his word – polar opposite Obama and other Western politicians.

The Times continues the Big Lie about Russia “annex(ing)” Crimea. Its residents near unanimously chose to join Russia by national referendum independently judged open, free and fair.

Putin reversed a historic error by accommodating their wishes. He didn’t invade Ukraine. No “Russian aggression” exists despite the Big Lie claiming otherwise – repeated ad nauseam by The Times and other Western media, instead of forthrightly telling it straight.

Times editors bashed Putin announcing 40 new ICBMs added to Russia’s arsenal – able to carry multiple nuclear warheads.

They ignored Washington belligerently increasing its military presence close to Russia’s borders. Its provocative Eastern European military exercises. Its plans to spend $1 trillion over the next three decades upgrading its nuclear arsenal.

It’s considering using nuclear weapons against Russian targets on the phony pretext of its nonexistent Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) violations.

Russia deplores an arms race. Hostile US policies force it to respond defensively. No responsible leader would act otherwise. Not according to Times editors.

It bashed Putin saying his moves alarm his neighbors when their only threat is from Washington and other rogue NATO members.

Times editors ludicrously said so-called Putin “loose talk could undermine years of efforts intended to reduce nuclear tensions and the risk of war” – at a time Washington is hellbent on record military spending and deliberately threatening Russian security.

Saying “(t)he United States and Europe have largely been measured in their response to” crisis conditions is polar opposite truth. US-dominated NATO bears FULL responsibility for heading things recklessly toward possible war with Russia.

Lunatics in Washington make the unthinkable possible. Don’t expect Times editors to explain. Instead they repeat the Big Lie about Russian troops and weapons in Ukraine. They blame Moscow and Donbass freedom fighters for Kiev junta high crimes.

They call Putin’s all-out efforts for regional peace and stability “aggressive behavior.” He’s the only world leader trying to resolve Ukrainian aggression on Donbass diplomatically.

Obama wants war, not peace. So does Washington’s installed Kiev puppet regime – a fascist dictatorship murdering its own people.

A second June 22 Times editorial discussed US economic growth. Its editors entirely ignored bipartisan policies benefitting America’s super-rich at the expense of most others.

They said nothing about continued forced-fed austerity causing enormous harm to tens of millions during protracted Main Street Depression conditions – creating greater poverty, unemployment, underemployment and human misery than any time since the 1930s.

They’re mindless about phony monthly jobs reports and other distorted government data concealing true economic conditions for most Americans.

No economic recovery exists, Paul Craig Roberts explains. “The only sign (suggesting it) is real GDP which shows up positive only because the deflator is understated,” he says.

Measures needed to restore growth aren’t taken. It requires ending support for financial interests and big investors at the expense of the overall economy.

It takes bringing back high-pay, good benefit jobs offshored to low-wage countries. It requires leadership serving all Americans equitably – not just its privileged few. Don’t expect Times editors to  explain.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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