Bibi Cancels Meeting With Obama, Demands More Money Instead
On his own and through his proxies in what is called the US “Israel Lobby,”
Benjamin Netanyahu expended enormous political and financial capital in attempt
to sink President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Though the deal is already
done, the pro-Likud lobby in Washington with the backing of a significant number
of elected Members of the House and Senate is still determined to turn back
the hands of time to a US war-footing against Iran. They may well succeed, particularly
as most presidential candidates have promised to rip up the Iran deal on day
But Netanyahu is no dummy. Once he saw the writing on the wall – even
if only temporarily – he decided to make lemonade from Obama’s lemons.
“OK, you are going to go through with this deal with Iran? Pay me! You want
rapprochement and trade with Iran? Pay me. You’re not going to invade Iran?
Pay me. First I am going to humiliate you, then you are going to pay me.”