Trump, Tillerson meet Russia’s top diplomat at White House

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has met with US President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington, on a trip overshadowed by the firing of former FBI chief James Comey.

Lavrov met with Trump and Tillerson on Wednesday as he visited the White House for the first time since August 2013.

Trump said meeting with the top Russian diplomat was “very good.”

US sanctions not on agenda

Lavrov told reporters in a press conference that Washington’s sanctions against Russia were not part of his talks with the US president.

America and its Western allies have imposed a series of economic ban against the Kremlin for what they call its active role in the ongoing Ukraine conflict.

According to him, both meetings revolved around resolving the ongoing conflict in Syria and Tillerson’s proposals for de-escalation zones in the country.

Still, he said the dialogues were free of the ideology that hampered US-Russia ties under Barack Obama,…

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