Ronan Farrow promotes #MeToo witch hunt in University of Michigan talk
Oscar Gray
26 March 2019
The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, as part of its “Wallace House Presents” speaker series, hosted an event on March 19 titled “The Weinstein Effect: Breaking the Stories That Spurred a Movement.”
The event consisted of a conversation between Ken Auletta, a writer on various media issues, and Ronan Farrow, the New Yorker contributing writer whose October 2017 article about Harvey Weinstein helped touch off the #MeToo campaign.
The two-hour event was dominated by self-promotion and self-congratulation, identity politics and contempt for basic democratic rights. In their meandering comments, which were distinctly deficient in terms of facts and details, the two speakers took for granted that Farrow’s mix of hearsay, unproven allegations and anonymous comments constituted “evidence” of wrongdoing.
The event underscored the fact that #MeToo is a political campaign alien from—and hostile to—the interests of the working class, both women and men.
Farrow, a former State Department propagandist who worked for diplomat Richard Holbrooke and Hillary Clinton, has experienced a career surge since penning the initial New Yorker article about Weinstein, as well as subsequent articles, including one that eventually led to the resignation of Les Moonves, CEO of the CBS Corporation.
HBO has brought Farrow on to produce a series of documentaries on “the abuse of power by individuals and institutions” for the cable and satellite television network. He has also signed a deal with Little, Brown and Company for a book about the Weinstein investigation.
In 2018, Farrow received the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for the Weinstein reporting, along with the New York…