Police and courts enforce Trudeau’s law criminalizing Canada Post strike


Police and courts enforce Trudeau’s law criminalizing Canada Post strike

Roger Jordan

4 December 2018

The police and courts are working hand-in-glove with Canada Post to enforce the reactionary law Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government passed last week illegalizing job action by the Crown Corporation’s 50,000 letter carriers, mail sorters, delivery truck drivers and postal clerks.

Indeed, they have effectively extended the anti-strike law into a legal ban on any protest that impedes Canada Post’s operations.

Six peaceful protesters were arrested Sunday evening for picketing a Canada Post facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Reports indicate the police acted extremely provocatively outside the Almon Street sorting station, where a small group of protesters had set up a picket line to prevent mail delivery vehicles from entering the facility.

The police declared the protest a “serious threat to public safety” and ordered the participants to clear the road, even though protesters had used no physical force or threat of any kind to block the mail trucks. Those who did not abide the police order were detained and now face criminal charges of mischief and obstructing a police officer.

Earlier, Canada Post had gone to court in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia and obtained injunctions prohibiting anyone from obstructing or preventing vehicles or persons from entering or exiting its facilities. “We have asked the police for assistance and we are considering all available legal options,” declared Canada Post in a press release Saturday.

The Halifax protest was part of a series of stunts mounted by “allies” of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)—that is by the Canadian Labour Congress, its affiliates and sections of the pseudo-left—to cover…

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