The shame of post-2014 Ukraine is that the only equivalent situation that could exist is putting the Ukrainian SS death camp guards, their families, and officers’ in charge of Israel. Would giving death camp torturers and lever pullers free rein to do what they want to an entire people have been the thing to do during or after WWII? As you’ll soon see, the Israeli’s and some stellar international Jewish leaders think so as long as it ain’t them.
In 2014, Israel’s Ambassador to Ukraine Reuven Din El and the ADL’s Abe Foxman met with Pravy Sektor leader Dimitry Yarosh. Even though Yarosh is a disciple of the WWII criminal Bandera and the Israelis know the OUNb murdered 900,000 Ukrainian Jews in Ukraine, they decided they believed Yarosh that the OUN is not anti-Semitic.
What Yarosh may not have told them but they knew anyway, is that prior to Pravy Sektor, he was the leader of Trizub Bandery. It was the militant arm of Slava Stetsko’s new political party in Ukraine called CUN (Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists). Yarosh was the WWII murderess’ bodyguard. In his eyes, he was the heir apparent and incarnation of what Nazi sycophant Stepan Bandera would hope for to lead Ukrainian nationalists in 2014.
So, of course, Jewish leaders had every right to give Yarosh a clean bill of political health to the rest of the world. Sure. That was the only reasonable and responsible thing for them to do. Ukraine still denies any responsibility for the millions of lives their progenitors took or the lives they are taking today.
Slava Stetsko’s OUNb (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists –Bandera faction) made a triumphant entry into Ukraine and cemented the dominance Diaspora nationalists would have in the region. When she came in June 1991, part of celebrating her husband’s work was commemorating the June 1941 Lviv Pogrom her husband started. He was celebrating his declaration of the Ukrainian state which never came into being.
Why is this relevant to the events of 2014 through the 2019 Ukrainian election? What does it have to do with exporting terrorism?
Back in 1991, the Ukrainian nationalists OUNb were at a loss at how to proceed. “It had great ideological difficulties, however, because of its confrontation with Western democracy, its inability to deal fully with the question of the political beliefs of Ukrainians in Ukraine, and its lack of contact with political processes there.” Encyclopedia of Ukraine- Nationalism article.
Since their side (Nazi) lost the war, the Ukrainians were never able to set up a state. 1991 provided the perfect opportunity and let’s face it that only comes around once. The nationalists, now based in the Ukrainian Diaspora thought they would inherit Bukovina and Galicia. Instead, they hit the jackpot with all of Soviet Ukraine.
The Ukrainian nationalists were given the lands they couldn’t conquer or coax into line. The problem they faced was over 80% of those lands were never nationalist and hated OUNb fascism. Diaspora Ukrainian nationalists thought people in Ukraine were too Sovietized and could not be remade into nationalists.
The Ukrainian nationalists started a slow process of genocide through Ecocide across Ukraine and especially in Donbass. The Ukrainians suppressed the economy in areas not hospitable to their politics and moved the money and resources toward western Ukraine. The thought was and is if you can’t convert them, kill them or move them out of the way.
The Diaspora and OUN leadership started handpicking politicians in Ukraine based on these objectives.
How both Stetsko’s viewed Jews in 1941 is how Ukrainian nationalists see today’s Donbass and the way they want to resolve the situation for posterity. Why does post-Soviet Ukraine and especially Donbass Russians have less value than animals to the Ukrainian government?
“Although I consider Moscow, which in fact held Ukraine in captivity, and not Jewry, to be the main and decisive enemy, I nonetheless fully appreciate the undeniably harmful and hostile role of the Jews, who are helping Moscow to enslave Ukraine. I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine, barring their assimilation and the like. –Yaroslav Stetsko Carynnyk, ‘A Knife in the Back of Our Revolution’
For any of this to be current and threatening, reality dictates the World War II relic OUNb has to exist today, doesn’t it? For there to be a Nazi threat, there has to be Nazis. Is it possible Ukraine could find people so filled with hate; they fill those shoes in 2019?
Imagine finding out real political Nazis not only exist, but you also subsidize them. Do you think your WWII era grandparents would talk to you after finding out you supported this “democracy?”
Since 1992, different factions of the OUN have control of Ukraine. When it looked like that grip might weaken, Yanukovych was kicked to the curb in 2014.
According to the Ukrainian Weekly in a rare open statement of their existence in 2011, “Other statements were issued in the Ukrainian language by the leadership of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (B) and the International Conference in Support of Ukraine. The OUN (Bandera wing) called for the release of Ms. Tymoshenko and Mr. Lutsenko, and demanded judicial proceedings based on democratic … the correct response on the part of both the diaspora and Ukrainians in the homeland would be a boycott of representatives of Ukraine’s authorities.”
Now we have 2019 Ukrainian presidential candidate #2, Yulia Tymoshenko and her lieutenant Lutsenko firmly ensconced in and protected by the OUNb. This Nazi group predates Adolf Hitler and has never changed politic or policy.
By turning a blind eye to the Ukrainian nationalism’s fascist policies against post-Soviet Ukrainians, the West doomed the country to eventual failure. Ukrainian citizens are not going to stay under the boot of fascist-leaning politicians and political activists forever.
What happens when Ukrainians fully realize their country’s policies hurting them and their children originate in cities like Boston, Edmonton, Geelong, Bound Brook, or Kersonkson NY as long as they support a Poroshenko, Tymoshenko, or Zelensky?
And after normal people and journalists in the US, EU, AU, or Canada figure it out, how many western country politicians are going to sit back and allow Ukraine to export terrorists under various nationalisms back into their own borders?
None of this could have happened if the Ukrainian Diaspora were kept out of Ukraine post-1991. This is a look at the continuity of violence and genocide Ukraine and its Diaspora export. Post-1991 Ukraine joined the Diaspora ranks of “the Ukraine” in the worldwide propagation of nationalist uprisings, assassination, and murder.
The monster the western world has for so long chosen to ignore isn’t on its way home. It’s already coming out of the closet and eating the children.
The rest of the article won’t be about what Donbass and what’s left of Ukraine face after Ukraine’s 2019 election. Regardless of which nationalist wins, that result is already clear. Instead, it’s about what’s happened, what’s happening, and what may happen in your world.
“Stetsko argued that Fascism, National Socialism, and the coming Ukrainian uprising were links in the chain of a single world revolution. Ukrainian nationalism would bring down Russia and open a new chapter in the history of Eastern Europe.‘The tasks of Ukrainian nationalism’, he wrote, ‘begin where the tasks of Fascism and National Socialism end.” Carynnyk, ‘A Knife in the Back of Our Revolution’
Slava Stetsko believed this until she died and worked to achieve it for over 60 years. By combining all the little statelets that had no power, she created a lobby bloc and voting bloc in the US that determined election outcomes. Congressmen and national candidates needed her money to be in the game. Her goal wasn’t Democracy, not as you think of it. Nationalists in general view Democracy as a form of Socialism or Internationalism. They are all fascists whether they realize it or not.
Rolling all the ethnic nationalist groups into “the Ukrainians” to gain power and influence foreign policy was the only thing that made sense.- Madison, Wilson, and East Central European Federalism- A Dissertation submitted to The Division of Research and Advanced Studies Of the University of Cincinnati DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D.) in the Department of Political Science in the College of Arts and Sciences 2006 by Jonathan H. Levy
“This might appear confusing or even contradictory, but it is necessary in order to demonstrate the complexity of the meaning of “fascism” in the ideology of the Ukrainian nationalists, who called themselves “nationalists” but emphasized that they belonged to the family of European fascist movements and were closely related to the Italian Fascists, German National Socialists, British Fascists, Croatian Ustaša, and other similar movements. By examining Ukrainian radical nationalism in the context of fascist studies.” – The Fascist Kernel of Ukrainian Nationalism
Before you roll your eyes and yawn, let’s look at how a letter to Congress is signed from this kind of nationalist group asserting its power. Better yet, the following link contains an actual letter and email addresses of leaders in case you need to clarify anything in this article.
As the leaders of more than two dozen American ethnic organizations, representing tens of millions of voters across the United States, we call on you to provide vital support to Ukraine by immediately passing Senate Bill 2124.
Respectfully yours,
Naci Tozer President American Association of Crimean Turks, Sean Pender President New Jersey Chapter Ancient Order of Hibernians in America Inc., Dan Dennehy Chairman National & NYS Immigration Ancient Order of Hibernians in America Inc., Darek Barcikowski Secretary & Executive Board Member American Polish Advisory Council, Marilyn Piurek Co-Founder & Advisor American Polish Advisory Council, James J. Zogby President Arab American Institute, Mehmet Celebi President Assembly of Turkish American Associations, Javid Huseynov General Director Azerbaijan-American Council, Tomris Azeri President Azerbaijan-American Society, Walter Zaryckyj Executive Director Center for US-Ukrainian Relations, Marju Rink-Abel President Estonian American National Council, Atilla Pak President Federation of Turkish American Associations, Maximilian N. Teleki President Hungarian American Coalition, Karl Altau Managing Director Joint Baltic American National Committee Inc., Marta Farion President Kyiv Mohyla Foundation of America, Lyuba Shipovich President RAZOM, Ayla Bakkalli USA Representative The Crimean Tatar Mejlis, Julian Kulas President The Heritage Foundation, Maria Shust Director The Ukrainian Museum, Andrew Bihun President The Washington Group, Ukrainian-American Assoc. of Professionals,US UNITED WITH UKRAINE COALITION, Petro Kostiv President Ukrainian American Bar Association, Ihor Gawdiak President Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, Most. Rev. Stefan Soroka Metropolitan Ukrainian Catholic Church in USA, Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians, Alex Strilchuk President Illinois Division Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ihor Kusznir President Philadelphia Chapter Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ulana Mazurkevich President Ukrainian Human Rights Committee, Andrew Fedynsky Director Ukrainian Museum-Archives, Stefan Kaczaraj President Ukrainian National Association, Inc., Marianna Zajac President Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA), His Eminence Antony Metropolitan and Prime Hierarch Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, His Grace Bishop Daniel President of the Consistory Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, Marta Liscynesky Kelleher President United American Organizations of Ohio, Meto Koloski President United Macedonian Diaspora, Larissa Kyj President United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Alexandra Chalupa Founder & Acting President US United With Ukraine”
The nationalists started spreading their wings again and under the Ukrainian banner teach the world’s disgruntled how to be better at terror. And they started spending hundreds of millions of dollars for the privilege of doing it. Those signatures represent a fraction of signatory groups.
From 1991 onward, the Ukrainian nationalists have been tied to the major terrorist groups plaguing the West. They train them, train with them, and fight with them.
The Ukrainian nationalists fought alongside Chechen rebels that earlier went to Afghanistan and fought for the Taliban.
Yatsenyuk was awarded the Chechen rebels Dzhokhar Dudayev’s military decoration “Dignity of the Nation.” The importance of this is when the Chechen rebel Dzhokhar Dudayev battalion leaves Syria and bring ISIS/IGIL to the battlefields of Donbass. Ukraine works directly with ISIS/IGIL.
According to EA Daily, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk was involved in torture and executions of Russian POWs in the Chechen War. Yatsenyuk was a member of the Ukrainian nationalist UNA-UNSO whose leader Yuriy Shukhevych whose father was the leader of the WWII UPA and a Waffen SS officer.
According to the EA Daily article, the list of current Ukrainian politicians involved includes Dmitry Korchinsky, the head of UNA-UNSO, Dmitry Yarosh, deputy of the Supreme Rada, Valery Bobrovych, the commander of the punitive battalion “Argo,” Oleh Tyahnybok, deputy of the Supreme Rada and his brother Andrey Tyahnybok.
In the spring of 2014, ISIS officially entered the service of the Ukrainian government as it was gearing up to slaughter the citizens in Donbass at the invitation of then Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, interim president Olexandr Turchynov, and future President of Ukraine, Petr Poroshenko.
When and where did “the Ukrainians” get involved with Islamic terrorists?
In the late 1920s, Islamic political radicals in Egypt formed a group called the Muslim Brotherhood. The group “Young Egyptians” followed. Members of these groups intertwined and were part of or in step with the Promethean Project and were part of “the Ukrainians.”Their ties to Ukraine originally were membership in an exclusive group called the Nazi Axis by every country fighting Adolf Hitler.
The Muslim Brotherhood and its subsequent terrorist groups are the product of Western philosophy, not the religion of Islam.
The funny thing about these terrorists they can quote fascist philosophers like Julius Evola a lot easier than they can quote their own supposed holy book.
The Brotherhood with regard to their religious and mystical leanings are Sufi or more specifically Qutbist, for those who follow Sayyid Qutb. This is the philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood which is essentially Neoplatonic and does not distinguish between matters of belief, so long as people adhere to their movement. This is why the outwardly Shia al Zawahiri and the outwardly Sunni bin Laden can be comrades and brothers.
In an article titled “Terror, Islam and Democracy,” Ladan and Roya Boroumand correctly state that “Most young Islamist cadres today are the direct intellectual and spiritual heirs of the Qutbist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.” And further, “When the authoritarian regime of President Gamel Abdel Nasser suppressed the Muslim Brothers in 1954 (it would eventually get around to hanging Qutb in 1966), many went into exile in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, and Morocco. From there, they spread their revolutionary Islamist ideas – including the organizational and ideological tools borrowed from European totalitarianism.”
The Independent’s John Gray argues in an article entitled “How Marx turned Muslim” that Qutbism is not rooted in the Islamic tradition, but rather, is very much a Western-based ideology.
Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Hadi al-Madkhali, the renowned Salafi scholar who has written several books refuting the mistakes of Sayyid Qutb, concludes the following about Qutbism: “The Qutbists are the followers of Sayyid Qutb… everything you see of the tribulations, the shedding of blood and the problems in the Islamic world today arise from the methodology (of this man).”
They are what is behind Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, ISIS/IGIL in the Middle East. Their central and eastern European counterparts are found in the old Hapsburg Empire holdings. This is why ISIS came to Ukraine and fought for the nationalists in Donbass. They have been connected to Bandera since the 1930s.
Now, this is a huge allegation for the average reader even knowing how large the Ukrainian lobby is in the US. And, yes Virginia there is a worldwide conspiracy going on, but it’s a lot simpler than you think.
In an article aptly titled Democrat Says Americans Owe Nazis for Suffering and Gives ISIS Eulogy on C-SPAN, it’s made hurtfully clear that a progressive Congressional rep with a stellar record in her district can be a vehement supporter of ISIS/IGIL and genocide at the same time. She can support the murder and torture of people she hates because her ethnic community fought against them and lost in WWII. Marcy Kaptur is a Ukrainian nationalist and this political disease infects both parties today.
When a Congressional Rep gives a eulogy for killed ISIS head-choppers in Congress, on C-SPAN; sorry kids, it’s past time to slam the brakes on this train.
It was the Ukrainians that infected the 2016 US election with their brand of hate and we’ll be revisiting this later. Next, we’ll dive into the first round of the Ukrainian election and what it means there. Following shortly after that, we’ll look at what happened in Charleston in light of where the real provocations are coming from. Care to guess?
For more than 100 years, Ukrainian nationalism has brought nothing but hate, pain, and suffering to the world. The 2019 election in Ukraine isn’t going to change that unless the international community decides they’ve had enough terrorism in this decade.
Force Ukraine to fulfill the Minsk Agreement. Make Ukraine obligated to social and economic reform in Ukraine. Stop the civil war and provocations with Russia.