The 2016 Super Bloc Vote Part II Unleashing David vs the Russian Goliath

Voting blocs, smoting blocs, who gives a damn? I got bloc’d in traffic the other day! This is America and everybody has a “voting bloc!” What ya’ didn’t know they’re on sale at Walmart? Two for a dolla’.

Yah, I get it. Voting blocs are part of the American experience. What you may not get is that we are discussing two entirely different things.

When we look at American bloc voting it has been issue oriented about American civil rights, immigration, and American life. These are American issues brought front and center by American people, to be decided by and for American people.

Looking at the largest American bloc voter segments today we find In the 2012 elections, African-Americans accounted for about 13% of total votes, while Hispanics accounted for about 10% of the electorate.”Add in the Asian-American bloc vote …, that figure is nearing 6 percent and spiraling upward.

These represent what is purported to be the largest voting blocs in America today and yet, “Arab Americans make up about one percent of the US population, but many live in the swing states that could decide the White House race.” What’s really weird about this election is that Arab Americans are predominately Christian and traditionally voted Republican- oopsie Mr. Trump.

What’s different about the voting blocs I am describing is they could care less about American democracy or civil rights. As a matter of fact, they hate the idea of it.They were the constituency of governments in exile that served Nazi Germany in WWII. They are still ultra-nationalist politically and serve the foreign governments they set up when the Soviet Union collapsed.

If they were “democratic” would it be reasonable to assume the countries they set up or helped set up and support would be democratic too? Their impulse to support nationalist countries is so overwhelming for them they could give a damn when Americans lose their lives in wars they start for their foreign governments…so be it.

Four short examples of this are the Polish presidential election of 2015, Ukrainian-American perceptions about themselves, the actual reason we fought the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and the elections of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. People self-describe themselves clearly in their actions.

Remember 1+1 always=2. In 2015 Andrzej Duda was elected president of Poland. That sounds democratic. But president Duda is profoundly ultra-nationalist. This sounds like a problem for Poland, right? Well, no, Polish-Americans voted in that election and showed their true democratic colors.

More than 80% of Polish-Americans voting, supported the Nazi, now president, Duda. The Telegraph called it the “Velvet Road to Dictatorship.”What would be a good start for a Nationalist/Nazi president of Poland?

 How about Holocaust denial? Shown in Part I, Polish-Americans make up 10% of America’s electorate on their own. In America, Polish-Americans that voted for Duda traditionally prefer to vote for the Democratic ticket.

In February 2015 I wrote an article about the illegality of Ukrainian-Americans supplying weapons to volunteer groups in Ukraine that were systematically killing civilians. Even though they openly stated at the time that funding was going for weapons, knew they were openly breaking Federal Law, the practice continues.

The Ukrainian Diaspora even acknowledged that this is illegal in their own publication linked below. Supplies are all nonlethal equipment, as sending weapons would be illegal.

This has been going on for the entire war in Ukraine, from Maidan onward. Open calls for weapons donation funding became common in American social media.

How do they self-identify? Did Adolf Hitler call himself a Nazi? Would Adolf Hitler be happy if you called him a Nazi to his face? Or was it how his enemy identified him? Are these Ukrainian-Americans Republican, Democrats, or Independents? Or Nazi? Do they believe in Democracy for Ukraine? For America?

In the U.S., he had made a connection with Ivanka Zajac, 62, a nurse who is the president of the New York branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, an organization that represents all Ukrainians in the U.S. and one that is lobbying Congress to pass a law authorizing the supply of weapons to Ukraine from the U.S…Zajac is in some ways the archetype of an Ukrainian nationalist…”
In some ways? If you go to the official UCCA website, every group listed in member organizations were classified as Nazi organizations by the US government in 
QRPLUMB VOL1_0004. Let’s not forget the listings that openly celebrate the Ukrainian Nazi Waffen SS, Ukrainian Veterans of the 1st Division or the Brotherhood of Veterans of Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

Because of her position she is naturally at the top of the food chain in the CEE organizing over 20 million election votes. But wait, how does America’s home grown voter blocs compare with them? Its a natural question. They don’t.

A natural outgrowth of the CEEC has been the Asian-American and Central American emigre blocs. From the 1950’s through the 80’s these countries rose and fell in election cycle importance through the Ukrainian nationalist World Anti-Communist League (WACL). For the American-Asian this culminated in 1972 when Richard Nixon was running for reelection.

Nixon was elected in 1968 with the 4th largest margin in election history. In 1972 his greatest fear was Chiang Kai-shek, the president of Taiwan destroying his presidency and electability through the Asian-American emigres relationship to the CEE emigres. How could this happen? It was the CEE bloc vote to begin with that got him elected by that margin. The Asian-Americans by themselves were less than 1% of the vote.

The real cause for both the Korean and Vietnam Wars was the factor the CEE groups played in elections. The president’s of the United States of America during this period were afraid of what these groups could muster on American soil with good reason. Today the same kind of nationalist views have become mainstream again so just look around you. To paraphrase one president and the actions of the others “I am afraid of a Nationalist/Nazi takeover of the US government that would make “McCarthyism look like chicken-shit.”

Seriously? Could it be true Stepan Bandera and Chiang Kai-shek were Nazi comrades? The proof is in the pictures. The next generations, unfortunately, stayed by the same political tree.

When you combine the Black-Hispanic-Asian American voting blocs and subtract the pro-Contra (nationalist) factions and the pro-Taiwan (Chiang Kai-shek, South Korean, South Vietnamese) nationalists that are fringe outliers to the CEEC, the CEEC vote is closer to 20% of the total US vote, while the natural American blocs dwindle in voting power considerably.

This begs the question- Can a group without even enough of a population to count as a bloc be a bloc to reckon with today?

The answer came in 1980. They can if they become a cause celeb! The election of Ronald Reagan was due to pro-Contra CEE group funding. The entire Iran-Contra mess was initially put together by the CEE groups leader Yaroslav Stetsko, leader of the Ukrainian emigres. Stetsko’s WACL had 2 member states fund Ronald Reagan’s primary campaign and then they (CEE) funded and organized it with him all the way to victory.

It’s the same for the Baltic states today. They are politically important because of the cause celeb. They are made out to be little David against Russia’s Goliath.

There was a recommendation for NATO to engage as an alliance in ongoing wars – specifically in Ukraine, Georgia, Libya, and Syria – under the hypothesis that failure to engage weakens the effectiveness of the alliance’s deterrence efforts. There was disagreement on whether NATO needs to publish Russia’s specific violations.

The CEEC believes it is time to establish permanent NATO bases in the Alliance’s eastern member states, since any objection has been removed by Russia’s war on Ukraine…In the face of Russia’s aggressive actions NATO …In 2014, the Russian Federation forcibly annexed Crimea …Russia’s war on Ukraine and continued escalation of armed conflict threatens both Ukraina’s independence and the welfare of tens of millions of Europeans. A strong, coordinated military force is essential to stop Russia as it continues to destabilize its neighbors and disrespect international rules. ..Russia’s intimidation of the Baltic countries must cease.

Support the establishment of permanent NATO bases in these front-line countries to assure their security. Bases currently used by NATO for training and supply purposes in Central Europe should be made permanent and re-focused to territorial defense;

The Kremlin’s propaganda campaign justifies its aggression by claiming that NATO has broken its promises to not pursue enlargement and is in the process of aggressively encircling Russia.  This therefore poses a serious threat that Russia is justified in defending in the interest of its citizens…the panelists agreed that the West needs to push back in the face of Russia’s disregard of national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

How did all this pan out for them? SCORE!

The war game, titled Anaconda-16, will take place in Poland ahead of next month’s NATO summit in Warsaw, where officials are expected to approve permanent troops to be stationed in the country and throughout eastern Europe, to combat what they consistently refer to ‘Russian aggression.’

Every Eastern and Central European country today that was part of the Spring of Nations including the Baltics, Poland and Ukraine has a past and present tied to ultra-nationalist politics. The Warners of Warner Brothers Picture fame emigrated to escape the 1880’s murder and rape at the hands of Polish Nazis one year before Adolf Hitler was even born. Warner would go on to fight Fascism and Nationalism through film.

When I first came to Lithuania 22 years ago to try and help convince the local authorities to bring unpunished Lithuanian Nazi war criminals to trial, I tried to convince them that such proceedings were the best history lesson to help their society honestly deal with Lithuania’s bloody Holocaust past. Unfortunately, those efforts were only very partially successful, and now that fight for historical truth must continue without the advantages provided by the prosecution of local killers.” -Dr. Efraim Zuroff

Where does modern Lithuanian ultra-nationalism come from? In their own words- …the birth of nationalism (and of ethnic consciousness) occurred simultaneously in America and in Lithuania. Further, he believes that such a development would not have been possible without Lithuanian-American contributions.”..“Jonas Šliūpas himself, one of the prime movers of nationalism in the United States.” The CEE(Central & Eastern Europeans) have all been the largest promoters of nationalism in government in the USA for the last 50 years.

Pound for pound the vote from the Baltic’s is symbolic, but their influence on Russia policy is huge. The emigre influence is so great in the Baltic States some have gone over and served as Presidents. Can you imagine being so dedicated to “freeing the old country” as an American, you decide to take over the presidency there? What started as anti-communist showed its true light when the “wall” came down. Russia was the new old enemy. American and other emigre populations were the true citizens of those countries.

In this light, Estonia still hasn’t ratified a border with Russia in all these years. What would be the reason why?

According to Russian analysts, they need to wage one more little victorious war in order to keep the euphoria alive — or carry out some sort of foreign policy operation and make Russia’s situation in the international arena even more complex in order to show voters that they really are under siege,” said the center’s director. “An unratified border treaty with Estonia may play some kind of role in such a combination which we are yet unable to picture.”

Perhaps they should read Ukrainian- American scholarship a little more closely as both countries are aligned at the hip these days, nazis and all. Professor Moytl, a Ukrainian-American nationalist, thought at the time statements like this were ok.

“Although the possibility of war is not as far-fetched as one would like it to be, it would not work to Ukraine’s disadvantage. Indeed, the emergence of a genuinely hostile Russia would translate into Ukraine’s rapid integration into European economic and security structures and its concomitant transformation into a client state of the United States. As an East European version of South Korea, Ukraine would become the recipient of large-scale Western–in particular, American–military and economic assistance that would guarantee its stability,if not its prosperity…. Russia’s aggressiveness, therefore, could be Ukraine’s salvation ” [See Alexander J. Motyl, “Will Ukraine Survive 1994?” in the Harriman Institute Forum, Vol. 7, No. 5 (January 1994), p. 4.] 

The unratified border serves as a friction point to start a war Estonia cannot fight. Help us NATO!Which candidate do the Baltic states and emigres support for president?

Because of her “hawkish” approach towards Russia, she would most likely step up the rhetoric against the country when in the Oval Office. This would work well for the Baltics, especially Lithuania,” the analyst underlines. “She is kind of a bellicose person. Hillary Clinton supported the war in Iraq and wanted US intervention in Libya.”

One plus one equals two.

Russia’s response to all this is amazing and not something you see much of in today’s world. It’s the kind of statement governments across the world should take note of when they claim the high ground.

The Russian Response

After World War II we tried to impose on many Eastern European nations our model of development and we did it through force. We must acknowledge that. There’s nothing good in it, it still affects us today…The Americans are doing something like that now, trying to impose their model on virtually the entire world. They will fail too.”– Vladimir Putin, 2015 Q&A

What do the Baltic emigres want? Lithuania along with the other Baltic states are trying to light the flames of war between the US and Russia. At the same time, they celebrate their home grown Nazi heroes. Are they or have they ever been democratic?

I’ve started to wonder if the high degree of propaganda in the US is to keep you in line or keep them in line. As we all found out this primary season your vote didn’t have enough dollars attached to it to make a difference. The only way to combat this right now is to get people to vote. The more people that do, the less effective they are. Election reform, anyone?

Part 3 is where this article series will liven up. Do you still doubt the power of the CEEC super bloc? If you do go to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial “the Wall” and count the names. Does one plus one equal two?