Fraud, Corruption, Harassment Charges Rise Inside World Health Organization

WHO Head-Quater in Geneva, Switzerland. Copyright : WHO/Pierre Virot

The World Health Organization is reeling after an internal audit discovered that reported incidents of fraud, corruption, harassment, failure to comply with professional standards and sexual harassment skyrocketed in 2015.

According to the audit, which was released by the United Nation’s Office of Internal Oversight Services, “2015 saw an increase of 66 percent in the demands for investigation of suspected wrongdoing.” Reported incidents of fraud were up 20 percent over the previous year. Harassment claims increased 30 percent, cases of sexual harassment doubled and instances of fraud shot up 166 percent in 2015.

In total, 83 cases of wrongdoing were reported by WHO employees and watchdogs.

At last week’s World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva, health officials from around the world chastised the UN’s public health arm for creating an environment where serious violations are allowed to occur.

Read more: World Health Organization 2015 Internal Audi