Why Won’t the Left Attack Bilderberg, The Real 1% Dominated by White Males?

Bilderberg is the PERFECT enemy for the Left

Kit Daniels
Prison Planet.com
June 3, 2017

Why does the Left ignore Bilderberg when it’s literally made up of mostly white males who represent .0001% of the world’s population?

Bernie Sanders launched an entire presidential campaign on striking back against the 1%, and he was also a proponent of diversity, so why won’t Bernie supporters speak out against Bilderberg?

The secretive group currently meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, is the source of all the problems Bernie Sanders campaigned on.

“[Bilderberg is] trumpeting the diversity of a conference where less than 25% of the participants are female, which would be a huge step forward, if it were currently 1963,” the Guardian’s Charlie Skelton pointed out. “And as for racial diversity, there are more senior executives of Goldman Sachs at this year’s Bilderberg than there are people of color.”

“Perhaps by ‘diverse’ they mean that some of the participants own hedge funds, whereas others own vast industrial conglomerates. Some are on the board of HSBC, others are on the board of BP. Some are lobbyists, others are being lobbied. That sort of thing.”

So why won’t the Left separate itself from corporate-controlled globalism? You would think a group of unelected bankers and corporate masters controlling the fate of humanity would be the PERFECT enemy of the Left.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Especially when they’re old, white elitists.

The Left is predominantly anti-war, yet Bilderberg was behind many of the world’s major conflicts.

The Left is for eradicating poverty, yet Bilderberg wants to concentrate the world’s wealth and resources to a handful of people.

The Left is for diversity, yet Bilderberg and similar global bodies lack diversity despite steering major world events.

The Left demands open, representative democracy, yet Bilderberg meets in secret behind closed…

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