We Have Evidence of UK’s Role in Staging Douma Provocation – Russian MoD

An apparent false flag chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma on April 7 has served as a pretext for the United States to threaten the Middle Eastern country with a missile strike; Russia has been calling for a transparent investigation while local doctors have said no one has asked for medical treatment for poisoning.

The Russian Defense Ministry holds a press briefing on what the Western narrative describes as an alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta. No evidence has been presented to support the claim. A Russian chemical corps commission that has been sent to Douma reported that no traces of chemical poisoning were found. On April 12, US Defense Secretary acknowledged the Pentagon had no evidence of chlorine or sarin use in Douma.

Speaking at the briefing, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that the ministry has enough evidence that the planned provocation with the use of chemical weapons was carried out in Syria’s Douma on April 7.

He added that   the United States and Western countries continue their “indiscriminate and unfounded accusations” against the legitimate Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians in Eastern Ghouta. 

However almost a week on, the United States and some European countries have failed to provide any evidence, according to him.

“The Russian Defense Ministry has plenty of evidence that on April 7, a planned provocation was carried out in Douma with the…

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