Alcatraz Prison. Photo: Jeffrey St. Clair.
+ Let’s recall exactly the kind of crimes that Chelsea Manning (who remains in prison for refusing to testify against Assange and Wikileaks in a grand jury proceeding in the Eastern District of Virginia) and Julian Assange revealed to the world…
+ The main difference between the anonymous leaks from US intelligence officials about RussiaGate peddled nightly on MSDNC, CNN, the NYT and the Washing Post and Julian Assange’s exposure of US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan is that what Wikileaks published turned out to be true. In this system, you’re only held accountable for exposing the truth about imperial power.
+ If you dislike Assange’s politics, you’re under even greater moral obligation to remonstrate against his politically-motivated arrest.
+ On the press freedom front, Trump is becoming more Obama-like every day, targeting whistleblowers & journalists for exposing war crimes in a war both politicians claimed–at various points–to oppose.
+ There’s some savage irony in the fact that Julian Assange is now being renditioned to the same people whose “extraordinary” renditions he helped expose.
+ Here’s a link to the indictment against Assange, which should stand as a warning to every working journalist.
+ Will they be arresting the editors & publishers of the Guardian, New York Times and Washington Post, next? If not, will those alleged defenders…