by Jeff J. Brown / October 29th, 2016
Better watch out, Vlad. When Western propaganda throws an “-ism” at you, the gloves have come off. Think Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, communism, socialism, extremism and “Islamic” terrorism, for starters. After all, behind the Great Western Firewall, they are all the same thing, right?
A recent cover and main article in the Economist, pictured left, reminds me of just how hyperbolic and ideological is the West’s propaganda against Russian President Vladimir Putin. While maybe good polemical fodder as a cartoon on the editorial page, the fact that this demonic caricature merits front cover status, indicates just how programmed and institutionalized Western mainstream media is. Westerners love to insult the Anti-West press for being “party organs” and “government mouthpieces”. But, why travel so far? They only need to stay home with their national New York Times, Radio France, and BBC, to really appreciate Bernaysian psyops being passed off as serious journalism (as in Edward Bernays). I don’t call it living behind the Great Western Firewall for nothing.
I have a friend whose email signature is “Blame it on Putin”. For a while, he changed it to “Blame it on China”. But that didn’t last long and he recently changed it back. As we have seen with the most depressing predictability, President Putin, specifically, and Russia in general are the voodoo pin dolls of Western racism and demonization of another…