Who do you know that smokes, takes medications and could care less about buying organic food? Who do you know that wears too much cheap makeup, or drinks too many mixed drinks at the bar, or who always orders enough food for three? Maybe it’s you that’s being labeled with one of these “allopathic assault” genres, or maybe a handful; either way, what you end up with is a need for chronic medical attention and you might not like what you find. Many large corporations make their biggest bucks from selling products that cost them nearly nothing to manufacture and aren’t tested for safety. This goes for drugs. Though you think they’re putting in the scientific “manpower” and “man-hours,” what they’re really doing is far from that. Statistics are simply made up out of thin air to suit the needs for contracts. Science is “for sale,” folks. Keep reading.
One definition of assault: “a concerted attempt to do something demanding.” Have you been vaccinated with everything the CDC says you should be? With or without your permission? The whole vaccine schedule? Because that’s a lot of mercury and aluminum swimming in your blood. Sounds like you’ve been assaulted.
Have you been informed of exactly what’s in your food? Are you given permission by the powers that be to look? Did someone exploit YOUR scruples? In other words, might you have filtered certain toxins out of your life had you known they were there? Sounds like you’ve been assaulted.
If you’re a smoker, then you made a choice… to smoke that first cigarette and the most recent one. You made a choice to drink six beers instead of one, or to eat a cheeseburger instead of steamed organic broccoli. Allopathic means never justify the results. Covering up symptoms and relieving you of them just puts off the inevitable. You don’t unscrew the bulb of the warning light on your vehicle when something goes wrong and figure the problem will work itself out — you call a mechanic. So why take prescription drugs for pain, depression, cholesterol and blood pressure, if the cause of your pain, depression and malnutrition stems from bad food choices? You make the choices, and the consequences are defined by your actions. Energy and immunity come from organic food. Period.
Fear-mongering fake news on TV: Do not be influenced by the hypochondriacs that feed off the fear-mongering fake news and fake CDC statistics. These are myths to keep you in a mode of fear-thinking, about infectious disease your body can defeat with nutrition. Sounds like you’ve been assaulted. Turn off the television and learn the natural ways to detoxify your body and never return to synthetic excuses for toxic indulgence. Help yourself; then, you can help your friends and family.
Cigarettes contain 7,000 chemicals: Is the answer to quitting smoking found in synthetic medications that give you side effects that include intolerable nightmares, depression and feelings of suicide? Is the answer to quitting smoking found in a patch that just keeps feeding your blood one of the most addictive substances in the world — nicotine? Is the answer found in an electronic cigarette which contains more nicotine? The answer is no to all of those questions. Quitting smoking means getting healthy, and that means educating yourself immediately about nutrition, because certainly any smoker is missing vital vitamins and minerals they must recover after however many years they’ve suffered CIGARETTES!
Pharmaceuticals and vaccines: Know that the CDC says on vaccine inserts that there’s no proof they work. Know that medications that mask symptoms also mask the problems, which almost always boil back to the human gut. Do you have 85% good bacteria? Prescription drugs are usually a prescription for bad bacteria breeding. Check and see for yourself!
Toxic cosmetics and personal products: What’s new in the world of natural health? Find out right here:
Genetically Modified Food and Organisms (GMOs): Be smart and frugal. Realize that allopathic paranoia wastes money and takes chances by endangering health with chemical, synthetic (food and) medicine. Most conventional food (seeds) and medicine has been modified in a clinical lab to contain either pesticides or ingredients from GM bacteria. Are you eating bug killer or ingredients from Agent Orange — the chemicals they used in Vietnam to burn down the jungle brush? How many thousands of quack doctors in the USA push chemotherapy as a cure or “treatment” for cancer? They know the real statistics, but they push it anyway. Conclusion? Break free of the chains that bind you now and quit eating, drinking and smoking chemicals. This is your life, your body, your mind and your free choice.
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Reprinted on RINF Alternative News with permission from
Natural News.