Prison » Universe Without God Shouldn’t Exist, CERN Research Suggests

Evidence boosts 2009 theory of Hypercosmic God

Kit Daniels
Oct. 26, 2017

CERN researchers are baffled at how matter thrived in the early universe when it should have been destroyed by antimatter, a discovery which evokes a theory that the universe is controlled by a mysterious realm lying outside space and time.

Credit: NASA

The researchers made a technological breakthrough when they compared the magnetism of an antiproton to that of a proton using a new technique which is 350 times more precise than the measurement taken in January.

But they found that, despite the breakthrough, there wasn’t a difference between the two, meaning that matter and antimatter should have destroyed each other eons ago, preventing the universe from even existing.

Yet obviously that’s not what happened.

“All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist,” said research lead Christian Smorra. “An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”

“What is the source of the symmetry break?”

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Perhaps the physical laws of the universe are steered by something – or someone – outside the universe; in other words, the universe isn’t the “base reality” but is rather one level of existence contained in another superstructure unknown to man.

This is closely related the viewpoint of late French physicist Bernard d’Espagnat, who once theorized that science offers only a “veiled” view of an underlying reality which science cannot access.

“D’Espagnat also understood the philosophical importance of these new physics-based insights into the nature of reality,” wrote the Templeton Prize foundation, which awarded d’Espagnat in 2009. “Much of it centers on what he calls ‘veiled reality,’ a hidden yet ultimate reality…

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