Foster mother wanted to show sympathy for migrant
Paul Joseph Watson
April 8, 2019
A Swedish leftist blew a kiss to an Afghan refugee who was convicted of raping underage girls.
Only in Sweden.
The asylum seeker “had been living in a foster family in Västra Götaland County has been sentenced to five months’ juvenile detention and 10 years’ expulsion for the rape and sexual assault of teenage girls,” reports Sputnik.
The first attack took place in April 2018 when a 13-year-old girl was held down on a bed and assaulted.
Another attack followed in November 2018 when the migrant raped another teenage girl living in the same foster home.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
The court found that the foster mother had a “negative attitude” toward the victims and a “positive attitude” towards the Afghan and refused to testify against him.
“At lunch break, she wanted to approach to [the Afghan], and was told she couldn’t, and so she blew him a kiss,” the Gothenburg District Court wrote.
“Yes, I blew him a kiss to show that I think of him,” said the mother, claiming that the Afghan being convicted was “utterly horrible” and calling the victims liars.
Sweden isn’t a country, it’s a meme.
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This article was posted: Monday, April 8, 2019 at 11:32 am