PressTV-US-Zionist Iranophobia plot foiled: FM Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic has managed to thwart the Iranophobia plot hatched by Israel and the US through relying on the guidelines of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

Zarif made the remarks in a meeting between Ayatollah Khamenei and Iranian ambassadors, charges d’affaires and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tehran on Saturday.

“[US President Donald] Trump and [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu are making efforts to revive the Iranophobia scheme through cheap shows, but they are currently alone and isolated even among their own allies,” the top Iranian diplomat said.

He pointed to numerous attempts by the US to put pressure on the Iranian nation and bully them and said, “We have always told other countries, including US allies, that confronting US bullying should go beyond political commitments and should lead to practical measures…

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