PressTV-‘US can’t cite Resolution 2231 on Iran missiles’

The United States cannot cite United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 on Iran’s missiles program given the fact that it is the same resolution which endorsed the nuclear deal Washington withdrew from, says a political commentator.

“As a matter of fact resolution 2231 is the same resolution that accompanied the nuclear deal and endorsed the multilateral deal and the US violated the resolution and discarded it the same way that it discarded the nuclear deal after withdrawing from this multilateral agreement. So basically if we were living in a fair world, then this is the US that should have been punished for this disrespecting a decision by UN Security Council … So the United States is not entitled to refer to this resolution,” Mostafa Khoshcheshm told Press TV in an interview on Sunday.

“What it calls resolution 2231 with regard to Iran’s missile program is not at all a reference to the conventional missile program of the…

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