PressTV-Saudi Arabia hires UK daily to launch anti-Iran Persian site

Saudi Arabia has hired the UK-based Independent media corporation to launch a slew of news websites in Persian and other languages.

Under the deal, the British outfit would create up to four websites for the Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG), which is tied to the Saudi royal family and often promotes the regime’s agenda.

Despite ownership by the SRMG, the news outlets — Independent Arabia, Independent Urdu, Independent Turkish, and Independent Persian — would be owned and operated by SRMG and would follow the editorial standards of The Independent.

“Four new websites will offer the highest-quality, free-thinking, independent news, insight and analysis on global affairs and local events,” the daily said in a statement.

“These will be published in Arabic, Urdu, Turkish and Persian. Each site will feature direct translations of articles from alongside content from teams of SRMG journalists based in London,…

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