PressTV-RAND details US ties with anti-Iran MKO terrorists

An American nonprofit global policy think tank says the US-led coalition has been offering protection to the anti-Iran terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) since the occupation of Iraq in 2003.

In a report, the RAND Corporation said US forces not only did nothing to punish the MKO for its crimes, but also offered it protected status and allowed it to remain in Iraq and continue its  provocations against neighboring Iran.

The West’s collaboration with the MKO has come to light again in the wake of Germany’s arrest of an Iranian diplomat on suspicion of planning to attack an MKO meeting in Paris. The Islamic Republic has dismissed the allegation as ludicrous, which came as President Hassan Rouhani visited Europe.

The RAND report said from the early weeks of the 2003 invasion of Iraq until January 2009, US forces detained and provided security to MKO terrorists to prevent the Iraqi government from expelling them to…

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