PressTV-Canada nabs Huawei CFO for ‘breaking’ US bans on Iran

Canada on Wednesday arrested the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of global telecom giant Huawei, sparking the protest of the Chinese government which urged her immediate release.

Meng Wanzhou, one of the vice chairs on the Chinese technology company’s board and the daughter of company founder Ren Zhengfei, was arrested in Vancouver, where she is facing extradition to the United States on suspicion she violated the US sanctions against Iran.

The Globe and Mail quoted a Canadian Justice Department spokesman as saying that the Chinese national had been arrested on Dec. 1 and a court hearing has been set for Friday.

A Canadian source with knowledge of the arrest said the US is alleging Meng tried to evade the American embargo against Iran.

Beijing protested the arrest and urged Ottawa to immediately release her as she faces extradition to the US.

“The Chinese side firmly opposes and strongly protests over such kind of actions which seriously…

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