More Americans Think Hillary Colluded With Foreign Operatives Than Trump

Trump now 6 points ahead of Obama at same point in his presidency

Paul Joseph Watson
April 2, 2019


Following the failure of the Mueller investigation to find any evidence that Trump or members of his campaign colluded with Russia, a new Rasmussen poll finds that more Americans now think Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign operatives than Trump.

“A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives. Nearly as many (45%) still suspect the Trump campaign more,” reports the polling agency.

Many Trump supporters have claimed that the notorious Steele dossier itself, paid for by Clinton’s campaign via Fusion GPS, was a genuine example of ‘Russian collusion’ since the information was obtained from Russian officials.

The Uranium One controversy, which involved the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm as a result of what some claimed was donations to the Clinton Foundation, is also back under the spotlight since Trump was exonerated.


  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Meanwhile, Rasmussen’s latest presidential tracking poll finds that Trump is 6 points ahead of where Barack Obama was at the same time in his presidency.

On April 1, Trump registered a 51% approval rating compared to Barack Obama’s 45%.

This is quite the achievement given the unrelenting barrage of negative press coverage that Trump has faced in comparison to Obama.


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This article was posted: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 6:41 am