Meghan McCain’s ‘scary’ Omar anti-Semitism comments and tears spark deluge of backlash — RT USA News

Meghan McCain’s angry, teary tirade on The View over “scary” anti-Semitism has sparked an outpouring of mockery and criticism online, with some going so far as to call it the “single dumbest thing” on TV.

McCain’s performance was part of a heated segment of The View devoted to this week’s political storm over Ilhan Omar’s comments about Israel’s place in US politics and the Democrats’ resolution condemning anti-Semitism that followed her remarks.

“This issue is a really intense one for me,” McCain said before making her first point about not politicizing the issue by drawing comparisons between Charlottesville white supremacists, “saying ‘Jews will not replace us’” and Omar, accusing her of “dog-whistle moments.”

The daughter of the late Republican Senator John McCain grew visibly irritated as other panelists spoke, and a little catty as she tried to interrupt Sunny Hostin, who questioned whether Omar’s criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic and spoke about her Jewish grandfather. “Are you comfortable with me speaking now?” McCain asked. “Are we comfortable with me rebutting now?”

McCain explained she “would go so far as to say I probably verge on being a Zionist as well,” and said that while she doesn’t have Jewish family, former Congressman Joe Lieberman and his wife Hadassah Lieberman are like her family.

“I take the hate crimes raising in this country incredibly seriously, and I think what’s happening in Europe is really scary and I’m sorry if I’m getting emotional.” she said. “What Ilhan Omar is saying is very scary to me and a lot of people and I don’t think you have to be Jewish to recognize that.” she added.

Many took issue with McCain’s teary reaction, accusing her of ‘crocodile tears’, with a number of Jewish people expressing displeasure at McCain’s emotions on their behalf.

People were quick to point to a number of “scary” and sad instances taking place in Palestine at the hands of Israel.

Many reminded her of the “scary” things her own father, the late John McCain, had been responsible for, including arguably anti-Semitic actions and repeated references to Vietnamese people as “gooks.”

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Via RT. This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.