It’s happening all around the world, and emerging research suggests that the environmental impact of its use is absolutely devastating: geoengineering, a man-made climate control scheme marked by criss-crossing air sweeps that leave behind streams of shimmering “chemtrail” debris across our skies, is now being linked to widespread drought and famine throughout the world, not to mention the complete breakdown of Earth’s agricultural systems.
Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington of says chemtrail operations represent the “greatest single source of damage on many fronts,” and he might just be right. In some areas of the world, persistent drought conditions brought about by artificial weather manipulation have led to massive reductions in crop output and ever-dwindling fresh water supplies.
In Mongolia, for example, an astounding 80 percent reduction in crop yields is the direct result of persistent drought conditions, suggests Wigington. Similarly, in Thailand, farmers are struggling to produce enough food as water supplies dry up. In some areas, military soldiers are having to protect what little water remains at gunpoint.
A little closer to home, California and many areas of the Pacific Northwest continue to hobble through epic drought conditions that have left many formerly flourishing crop fields completely bone dry. California farmers are reportedly pulling in higher revenues for the crops they’re able to procure, but this is likely due to the fact that supplies continue to dwindle, which, economically speaking, drives food prices higher.
For a more thorough explanation as to how geoengineering and “chemtrails” are affecting precipitation patterns, refer to our earlier piece citing evidence of artificial weather manipulation as a driving factor in the California drought crisis.
If you’re still of the mindset that geoengineering is some kind of loony conspiracy theory, then you’re not keeping up with the latest science. The United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) openly referred to geoengineering in a 2013 report, noting that stratospheric aerosols are used to produce artificial “clouds” designed to alter weather patterns.
A more recent paper published in the journal Environmental Research Letters examines how geoengineering programs — they’re stated matter-of-factly because it’s now general knowledge that they’re taking place to combat “climate change” — are affecting crop yields. The paper talks about a geoengineering method known as “marine cloud brightening” that was offered up as a solution to climate change nearly 25 years ago.
The paper erroneously concludes that such methods will improve crop yields, but the latest science suggests otherwise. Nevertheless, the paper admits that geoengineering, cloud “brightening,” and other weather manipulation tactics are real. Those of us watching these developments are here to say that they don’t work and are actually making the problem worse.
“A primary stated goal of the geoengineering programs is to provide a ‘solar shield’ to slow ‘runaway climate change’ by spraying tens of millions of tons of highly toxic metal nano particulates (a nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) into the atmosphere from jet aircraft,” reports Wigington.
“The ‘hydrological cycle’ of the planet is being completely disrupted by the geoengineering aerosol saturation of the atmosphere,” he says.
Wigington has been researching the damaging effects of man-made geoengineering programs for years, noting that much of Northern California and the Pacific Northwest is now polluted with particulates of aluminum, barium, and other toxic metals as a direct result of chemtrail spraying throughout the region. These chemicals are not only damaging soils by acidifying them, but they’re also affecting the quality of water, food and air.
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Reprinted on RINF Alternative News with permission from
Natural News.