The Fast Track To Ending Human Rights

By Barbara Loe Fisher

From flash to bang, it took the politically powerful corporate, medical trade, and government lobbyists just six months this year to gut the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking and the civil right to a school education in California.

They did it by enacting a new law (SB 277) signed by Governor Jerry Brown on June 29, 2015 that denies parents the legal right to file a personal belief exemption to vaccination for religious and conscientious beliefs so their children can attend school.

In order to sign the bill into law, Governor Brown had to abandon his long-standing legislative record as a champion of parental and religious rights and school education.

NVIC called him out in a July 1, 2015 letter for failing to protect California families from segregation and discrimination based on vaccination and health care choices that parents make in the best interest of their minor children. Click here to read NVIC’s July 1, 2015 press release.

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