EU Parliament Votes Against Debating Murder of White Farmers in South Africa as a Human Rights Violation

Janice Atkinson, an independent Member for South East England, requested that the EU Parliament debate #FarmMurders in South Africa. Unsurprisingly, they voted against it. Moreover, they would have jumped enthusiastically out of their chairs to vote in favor of international intervention to end Apartheid.

Atkinson’s motion against farm murders was rejected by a majority. She said in South Africa the “situation remains extremely serious”. She described how she had joined the protest against farm murders on #BlackMonday.

“Being a farmer in South Africa is one of the most dangerous professions in the world,” Atkinson pointed out. She added that there were “huge concerns about the functioning of the police” which “strangely enough does not seem to be an issue for the international community”.

She proposed a debate on the matter and demanded a statement from the EU Commission as well as the European Council. Atkinson proposed to have farm murders as the first item on the agenda.

The former Conservative party member, who was expelled from UKIP, joined the newly formed group in the European Parliament, Europe of Nations and Freedom in 2015. She put forward the motion at the sitting on Monday this week.

Europe of Nations and Freedom,…

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