Day Without Women?

As a middle-aged American woman, I look at these women marching in Day Without a Woman and wonder, exactly, what has happened in their lives to cause them to see things so negatively. Do they even know what they are protesting? What are they fighting for? Do they have any real clue what they actually want, not just from protests and politics, but from life. Do they have any understanding at all about the history of women. Do they understand what it is to be a woman?

Women in America have the exact same rights and responsibilities as American men. I would argue that, in some areas, American woman have more choices and opportunities than men.

How dare I say that? Females in this country go to the same schools, have access to the same education and jobs as men. Females can choose to enter the American military, just as a man can. In our current society Affirmative Action means that oftentimes women applicants for top colleges and jobs are often preferred over men– even in the cases where the male candidate is better qualified. Women receive special incentives to enter fields like Science and Math where it’s perceived there is a gender gap. Women can choose to get married or stay single without too much societal backlash. A 40-year-old single woman is seen as strong and independent while a 40-year-old single man is viewed as flawed.

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Once a woman gets married or has children the differences in choices and opportunities grow. Women are free to choose between having a career, or staying home and caring for house and family. Many women choose to do both and enjoy the respect, and assistance of both family and co-workers.

That is a choice that men in American society do not typically enjoy. A man who chooses to leave…

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