Analyze This – LewRockwell

Everyone’s rather angry nowadays. Women, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, blacks, Hispanics, American Indians, people with special needs, college students, college professors, Hollywood stars, Democratic politicians—you name them, they’re angry. The Donald seems to have finally united the United States. Everybody hates Trump and, of course, men. Toxic masculinity has replaced the evil Nazis and their goose step, and Trump the loathsome Führer.

Oy vey! Corporate moralizing is as sick as it gets, and virtue signaling by Gillette reminds me of the joker who killed his parents and asked the jury for mercy because he was an orphan. The American Psychological Association (APA) is probably the greatest con job ever invented, and it has recently released guidelines on how to screw the American people further. The APA has an annual budget of $115 million, and 117,500 shrinks are members. Gift Card i…

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The guidelines basically say that being a male is a very bad thing. Male qualities such as courage, personal ambition, and grace under pressure are psychologically harmful. The APA advises that qualities such as self-reliance and competitiveness should be rooted out. I do not have $115 million per annum and cannot claim 117,500 friends, but my advice to my readers is to root out every psychologist they know and, if need be, shoot them dead.

Now, I don’t think too many Americans take psychology seriously, at least Americans who don’t live in Hollywood or New York, but I once told Clement Freud, grandson of the great fraud Sigmund, what I thought of him and his effing family—alas, London is crawling with them—and he tried to get me fired by going behind my back and claiming that…

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