Mirroring trend seen across federal government
Paul Joseph Watson
Mirroring a trend seen across the federal government, the Federal Reserve is hiring a raft of new police officers and security guards, developments that some see as preparation for civil unrest.
Despite only being as “federal” as Federal Express, the Federal Reserve central banking system has its own law enforcement arm, officers belonging to which are lawfully allowed to be armed both on and of duty, including with semi-automatic pistols, assault rifles and submachine guns.
Ads posted on job websites catering for the Federal Reserve suggest that demand for law enforcement personnel and protection officers is increasing.
“At last check, there were over 1000 sworn members of the Fed police force. And judging by the recent spike in appearances of such “help wanted” ads as those shown below, that number is too low,” reports Zero Hedge. “We expect many more job postings such as these to appear in the coming weeks and months: in fact, we are willing to predict that the closer we get to a “renormalization” of the Fed’s balance sheet, the faster the hiring of Fed cops.”
The hiring of new armed guards to protect infrastructure is an emerging trend being replicated across the federal government.
Last week we highlighted how the Department of Homeland Security is spending up to $58 million dollars to hire armed guards to protect just two Social Security buildings in Baltimore.
Back in November we highlighted how the DHS was looking to hire armed guards with “top secret” security clearances in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
A month prior to that, the DHS’ $80 million dollar outlay on armed guards to protect government buildings in upstate New York prompted Fox News’ Neil Cavuto to speculate that the feds were preparing for violence in response to cutbacks in the food stamp program.
In October it emerged that Homeland Security was set to spend half a million dollars on fully automatic pepper spray launchers and projectiles that are designed to be used during riot control situations.
While the feds will continue to downplay this activity as nothing out of the ordinary, it is clear that authorities are at least making preparations for some form of domestic unrest, whether it actually occurs or not.
With permission
Source: Infowars