Net- Neutrality: People, Corporations and Courts

Radh Achuthan 
RINF Alternative News

Due to advances in science and state governance over the millennia, religion has gradually lost some of its splendor in providing relief for current or after-life anxieties, ‘beliefs’ gaining ground in industrialized countries as temporal substitutes.

With this development, the historical behavior control of populations through close coordination of secular and spiritual institutions, has lost an able ally in the  ‘just war’ doctrine; so, ‘security anxieties’ underpinned by other sources were to be designed and implemented. Further, outsourcing ‘war-faring’ to robotics, has helped diminish scrutiny of legitimacy.

1. By 2002, it was said they ‘failed to connect the dots’, an oversight that led to 9/11, enabling systematic  ‘shock and awe’ psychological intimidation of the global population.

What would our life be, ‘had they connected the dots’?

2. In Jan. 2010, the court said, to foster freedom of speech, corporations must be allowed to spend what they want on democratic elections.  In stealing our ‘citizen identity’, the court has weakened the future of universal human rights.

3. In Jan 2014, the court says, ‘FCC net- neutrality’ is set aside to enhance ‘economic opportunity’ for corporations. Concurrently that ruling ensures additional weakening of the people through hindrance of ‘net- communication’ amongst citizens.

The net is intellectual property of the people, even as land and resources of the biosphere granted by nature belong to them, not to be seized by any corporation or government at any time!

As corporations and their socioeconomic – buffer zone of the wealthy meddle with ‘court neutrality’ and seize governance for control and self- aggrandisement, how are the people, the core of nature, to live and  lead their beliefs ?

General corporate response: ‘you are no longer essential in such matters; with soft-ware and robotics, we’ll do it’.

Response of the people: Unacceptable!

It is clear that citizens must speak out for themselves and assert afresh.

How? In this context, organize to overcome ‘Citizens United’ Ruling through an amendment to the constitution of USA.

To help facilitate the same, in 2014 and 2016 at the state and federal levels, elect only those candidates who are prepared to support the above amendment in good faith. It is ‘We, the People’, who are sending them to the state capitols and to Washington, as our Representatives.

That amendment should ‘unfrock citizen- imposters’ and ‘restore court neutrality’.

I am a professor of physics at a university, and I also have an interest in social psychology / social planning. As a boy growing up in India in the 1940s, I observed the implications of scarcity in the distribution of food and other resources. Some received little and that left me uneasy leading to a desire to strive to meet the minimum needs of others around me. Today, economic development has reduced scarcity while the uneven distribution leaves about half the global population in penury.