Human rights group probes police rape and torture


A human rights organization in Cairo said there were reports of torture, rape and other rights abuses during the first 100 days of the Morsi administration.

Demonstrators protested against the government of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi last week, saying he’s failed to fulfill promises about democracy and social justice.

Morsi, the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, took office in June, becoming the first president ever elected by a popular vote in Egyptian history.

The Nadim Center for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims reported there were more than 100 reports of abuse at the hands of Egyptian police during Morsi’s first 100 days in office, Egyptian newspaper al-Ahram reports.

Magda Adli, the center’s director, was quoted as saying the track record for Egyptian police hasn’t changed with the new civilian administration. The director added there wasn’t much difference between the Muslim Brotherhood leadership and that of ousted President Hosni Mubarak.

In early October report from Amnesty International said there were endemic reports of abuse at the hands of the military and police during the tenure of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces.

SCAF took political control over Egypt following last year’s revolution.

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