Google oppose court-ordered privacy sanctions

Well there’s a surprise.. the web’s biggest search giant which just so happens to be in the business of collecting personal data, objects to court-ordered sanctions that could force the company to comply with privacy laws.

According to the Register:

French newspaper Le Figaro reported today that Google had opposed the sanctions from Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), that also included requiring the company to publish a 48-hour notification statement on the site within eight days of the ruling.

The move may have bought Google some time: it means that the fine and temporary notification to its French users that it had violated data protection laws in the country will be suspended.

However, even with these sanctions in place, the company has only been fined a pathetic â‚¬150,000.

Which begs the question; with fines like this being so low – is it still more profitable for a Google to continue to break privacy laws and accept the fine?