Stephen Lendman
RINF Alternative News
A previous article discussed UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay. It discussed her duplicitous anti-Assad report. It wasn’t her first one. It won’t be her last
She’s a reliable imperial tool. She buries truth. She lies for power. Her credibility long ago was lost. Not a shred of it remains.
She never had any in the first place. It launched her career earlier. It sustained it.
Her new report supports illegitimate putschist fascists. It’s titled “Misinformation, propaganda and incitement to hatred need to be urgently countered.”
During months of Maidan protests, Berkut special police showed remarkable restraint. Pillay lied claiming otherwise.
They used “excessive force,” she said. So did other security elements, she added. Doing so “led to the radicalisation of the protest movement,” she claimed.
Yanukovych government “(v)iolations related to the Maidan protests should be investigated and addressed in order to ensure accountability of perpetrators,” she said.
“Most acts of severe beatings, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment were reportedly attributed to the Berkut.”
False! Western-supported and paid radicalized elements bore full responsibility. Pillay lied saying otherwise.
She claimed Crimea’s reunification referendum had “no validity.”
Saying it “raised a number of human rights concerns pertaining to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and other civil and political rights flies in the face of reality.
Pillay twists truth for power. She does so to please her Western sponsors. She does consistently.
Crimea’s referendum reflected model democratic process. Independent monitors called it scrupulously open, free and fair. Not a single irregularity was reported.
Not according to Pillay. She accused Crimean authorities of “vote-rigging.” She lied saying so.
She said “paramilitary” and “soldiers without insignia” intimidated voters. Not one report on the ground said so. Conditions were polar opposite.
“What is clear from our findings is that there is an urgent need to ensure full respect for the rule of law and human rights in Ukraine and thus guarantee the enjoyment of all human rights for all, including minorities,” she said.
“The international community, including the UN, can play a role in supporting the creation of such an environment.”
“My Office and its monitoring team can provide impartial and authoritative human rights assessments to contribute to establishing the facts, de-escalating tension, and paving the way for an environment that is conducive to the holding of free and fair elections on 25 May.”
Results when held will be farcical. Ballot choices exclude democracy. Junta power victory is certain. Illegitimate putschists run things. Don’t expect Pillay to explain.
It bears repeating. Throughout her career, she’s been a reliable imperial tool. Her reports include a litany of lies.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevichresponded to her latest one. It mocks legitimacy. It reads like bad fiction.
On April 15, Lukashevich was unsparing. He was clear and unequivocal, saying:
“We have to acknowledge that the report by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in Ukraine is one-sided, politicized and unobjective, and does not reflect the real situation in this country.”
“The authors of the report chose not to notice that the current ‘authorities’ in Ukraine have become such as a result of an armed coup d’etat.”
“There is not a word about the February 22 events, including an attack and takeover by illegal armed formations of administrative buildings.”
“The individuals who gained power illegally are positioned as a legitimate government.”
“Facts testifying that from their first minutes the ‘new’ authorities have been working in the atmosphere of violence and lawlessness are being deliberately omitted.”
“No attention is being paid to a very dangerous trend — the unchecked rise of aggressive nationalism and neo-Nazism.”
“The almost 30-page document makes no use of the term ‘neo-Nazism’ at all.”
It pretends it doesn’t exist. It suggests fascist putschists are democrats. Doing so flies in the face of reality. Radicalized criminals run Ukraine.
“The rampant chauvinism staged by Right Sector and other ultra-right groups in western and central Ukraine is described as certain sources sharing their feelings that the minorities’ right to take part in the political life is not fully taken into consideration.”
Regime rights violations go unnoticed. Criminal acts aren’t mentioned. Coverup and denial substitutes. Pillay supports lawlessness. She fronts for power.
She blames victims for putschist high crimes. She twists truth to fit Western policy. She commits grave human rights violations in the process.
Her report “ignores a whole host of other gross human rights violations by the self-proclaimed authorities, including, in particular, kidnappings, tortures, extrajudicial killings, encroachments on the independence of the judicial system, the suppression of mass media and civil society,” said Lukashevich.
“The document abounds in flagrant selectiveness. It depicts radical actions on Maidan in late February as a peaceful protest and manifestation of popular discontent and effectively justifies it.”
“Its attitude towards protests in the country’s southeast is different.” Pillay’s so-called ‘observers’ failed to see the legitimate interests of the Russian population of this region.”
“The report gives odious opinions on the situation around freedom of speech and press as if ignoring the ongoing attempts by the Ukrainian ‘authorities’ to resist objective coverage of the situation in the country, threats and intimidation of reporters, denying entry to foreign reporters.”
“Overall, the impression is that the report was fabricated in accordance with preset conclusions, for which one need not have travelled to Ukraine.”
Western-supportive elements wrote it. Truth was systematically buried. Big Lies substituted. It’s longstanding imperial policy.
Putschists bear full responsibility for human rights abuses. Pillay blamed victims for their crimes. She does so consistently. She does it unapologetically. She disgraces the office she holds.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.” Visit his blog site at