When you pay your BBC licence fee, mandatory if you want to watch TV regardless if it’s the state controlled propaganda of the BBC or not, what do you expect to pay for? Few would guess that in reality, they are paying for the corporation’s staff to freely commit heinous crimes without any repercussion.
A new document has revealed startling levels of crime and corruption at the BBC, ranging from sexual assault, drug use and theft to fraud.
A Freedom of Information request, released on Tuesday, has shown that BBC employees have been suspected of more than 500 crimes each year over a 4 year period, including the allegation that one employee had under-age sex while on an assignment.
The member of staff in question was only issued with with a warning.
The dossier revealed that many of the other alleged crimes were also ignored by the BBC and not passed to police, being closed with “no further action” required.
The document contains information dating back to 2009 and shows there were:
503 cases of theft and fraud in 2009
586 in 2010
566 in 2011
And 526 in 2012
Matthew Sinclair of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, Britain’s independent grassroots campaign for lower taxes, said:
“It is deeply worrying that criminal behaviour is occurring inside the BBC which is often not being properly investigated and therefore going unpunished.
“Licence fee payers will be shocked at the relaxed attitude which the Corporation appears to have taken in regard to thefts and frauds incurring significant financial losses.
“This criminal behaviour is completely unacceptable and the BBC must be prepared to crack down on it and involve the police if similar cases occur in the future.”
Despite the evidence in the document, the BBC continue to lie as they enter damage-control mode, saying:
“The investigations service takes all reported allegations and rumours seriously.
“Experienced staff, many with police backgrounds, work with senior management, the HR department and the police to ensure all allegations are handled thoroughly and appropriately.
“In instances where serious allegations are borne out, this has often resulted both in police action as well as dismissal.”