Hillary Clinton is apparently getting desperate, as after seeming to exhaust all other options, she’s returning to the original line of attack against Bernie Sanders: gun control.
“She said that it’s going to be coming out in the very near future that many of the catastrophes that have taken human lives in the State of New York have been the product of guns coming over the border from Vermont,” according to New York State Sen. Tim Kennedy. “That’s the first I heard it,” he remarked.
That’s probably because it’s not even close to true.
Out of the 7,686 firearms recovered and traced in New York in 2014, only 55 were first purchased in Vermont, according to the ATF. In 2013, that number was 61 out of 8,539. As such, Vermont accounts for less than 1% of the total guns traced in either year, despite Vermont bordering New York.
Read more: A Clinton Superdelegate Just Admitted That Hillary Lied About Bernie and Guns