Reprinted with permission from Washington’s Blog
What Americans STILL Don’t Know…
New polls show that — even after the Senate torture report showed that torture is unnecessary and doesn’t work — Americans still think torture is necessary and works.
Because they still don’t know the truth … because the mainstream media has hidden it from them.
Americans wouldn’t support torture if they knew the following facts, proven beyond any doubt:
- All of the top interrogation experts say that torture does NOT produce actionable intelligence … even in a “ticking time bomb” scenario
- Torture doesn’t reduce terrorism. In fact, the opposite is true: it simply creates new terrorists and terrorist groups, including ISIS
- Most of those tortured were completely innocent of any crime. Children were tortured, too
- The specific type of torture used by the U.S. is famous for producing FALSE evidence
- People have known for thousands of years that torture — stripped of the torturer’s lies — is really just a way to create fear … i.e. a form of terrorism. Indeed, America’s recently-leaked criteria for putting people on the terror watchlist says torture is terror (page 47-48):
- While the mainstream media gives overwhelming coverage to pro-torture guests, those people have a very strong incentive to lie. Specifically, virtually all of them are war criminals under international and U.S. law who are afraid of being prosecuted for their creation and approval of the torture program. Indeed, many are calling for their prosecution, and a former top Air Force interrogator notes that government officials knew they are vulnerable for war crime prosecution:
They have, from the beginning, been trying to prevent an investigation into war crimes.
- The Nazis used the same “Enhanced Interrogation” techniques the U.S. did … and even CALLED IT the same thing
- The Founding Fathers were strongly opposed to torture … and enshrined a torture ban in the Constitution
- This is not the first time America tortured. Americans tortured Filipinos over a hundred years ago as a way to terrorize the population into submission. Americans also taught the leaders of other countries how to torture
- The detainees held up as “poster boy” justifications for torture actually prove the opposite