What Your Local Radio Stations Could Be Airing

Talk Nation Radio is a 29-minute program available every Wednesday for free to any radio station that wants to air it. Dozens are airing it now, and your local stations would probably be happy to do the same if they knew about it. Please let them know. It’s syndicated by Pacifica Network. It’s available at http://davidswanson.org/talknationradio and it’s FREE.

Think how many people would then hear shows like these!

(Which you can hear online anytime and embed on your own website or social media page.)

Robert Parry on Syria in Reality and in the New York Times

Lisa Simeone on How the TSA Trains Us in Complete Obedience

Doug Fry: Humans Have Not Evolved for War

Andy Shallal on Why He Should Be Mayor of Washington D.C.

Adam Hochschild on Ending Slavery and Not Ending War

I’m Thankful We Can Abolish Debt

Stephen Kinzer on The Dulles Brothers

Manuel Perez-Rocha: 20 Years of NAFTA Is Enough

Ann Jones on How the Wounded Return

Margaret Flowers: Web Failures Just a Symptom of Obamacare’s Illness

Max Blumenthal on Israeli Ethnocracy

72 Cities Demand Clean Air Act Be Enforced to Protect Climate

Stephen Canty: Once a Marine.

Nathan Schneider on the Occupy Apocalypse

Taking Kent State to the United Nations

Iraqi Students in the U.S.

Rep. Alan Grayson on Syria: House Will Vote No, Obama Will Heed

Patrick Cockburn: Missiles Won’t Make Peace in Syria

Jean Bricmont: Keep Humanitarian Imperialism Out of Syria

Tim Shorrock on Peace and Its Opponents in Korea

The EPA Lies for Frackers and Tar Sands Producers

Rooj Alwazir: U.S. Drones Terrorize Yemen

Medical Experimentation on Children in Cold War America

Hunger Strikers and the Law vs. the Prison Industry

John Whitehead on Our Government of Wolves

Gar Alperovitz Points to Worker Ownership as Fix for Broken Democracy

Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire Says Syrians Oppose Intervention

Peter Kuznick Tells the Untold History of the United States

U.S. Peace and Justice Activists to Gather in Madison, Wisc.

Rick Rowley Tells How He Made the Film “Dirty Wars”

Guantanamo Is Getting Worse

David Vine on U.S. Bases All Over the World

Carl Gibson on Shutting Down the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Arun Gupta on Iraqis in California and Professor Petraeus

Highway Boondoggles Bypass Budget Crunch

Here Comes Corporate Nationhood

Pentagon Professor Says the U.S. Military Overpowers Civilian Rule and Should Be Demilitarized

Honduras Most Dangerous Country in World Thanks to Us

Jody Sokolower on Teaching Wars in U.S. Schools

Richard Wolff on Putting Workers in Charge at Work

Robert Shetterly’s Portraits of Americans Who Tell the Truth

Wenonah Hauter on Foodopoly

Robert Fantina on War and the Bravery of Deserters

Norman Solomon on Iraq War Lies and New Online Activism

Nick Turse: Kill Everything That Moves

The Crisis in Mali and How to Stop Contributing to It

“I Killed People in Afghanistan: Was I Right or Wrong?”

Robert Pollin: There Is No Fiscal Crisis

Marcy Wheeler: Brennan Is Obama’s Cheney

Reese Erlich on Bahrain and Syria

Stephen Zunes on Kerry, Hagel, Brennan, and Obama Part II

Shahid Buttar on Spying, Detention, Torture, and Zero Dark Thirty

Sam Pizzigati: What Serious Progressive Taxes Would Look Like

David Hartsough on Peace Work

Roy Hange on Struggle for Peace in Syria and Iran

Erica Chenoweth on the Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict

Michael McPhearson and Michael Eisenscher on Jobs Not Wars

Glen Ford on Black and Progressive Activism in the Obama Era

William Blum on America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy

Brian Terrell Is Headed to Prison for Protesting Drones

Gar Smith on Nuclear Roulette

Mike Elk on Employers Telling Workers How to Vote

Green Party Presidential Nominee Jill Stein

Kucinich Says Failure to Impeach Bush Has Allowed Obama to Intensify Bush’s Policies

How Did NATO Go Global?

Slow Democracy Is Better Democracy

Comedy as Political Force

War Tax Resistance

The Risks and Benefits of Political Theater in the West Bank

Sanctions on Iran — March Toward War

How Young People Shut Down a Strip Mine in West Virginia and Why

The War on Whistleblowers With Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack

How Drones Appear from the Receiving End

Hidden History of the War on Iraq and Its Oil

Leah Bolger on the Upcoming National Convention of Veterans For Peace

Clinical Psychologist Bruce Levine Says U.S. Citizenry Particularly Inactive

U.S. Poverty Is Expanding and Worsening

An Israeli General’s Son Meets Palestinians, Reverses His Beliefs

Bombs Bursting in Air, Alice Slater on Nuclear Weaponry in the World Today

Contempt, Congress, and Elizabeth Holtzman on How to Prosecute George W. Bush

Bruce Gagnon on U.S. Aggression Toward Russia and China

Sandy Davies on War, Weapons, and Obama

Chase Madar on the Passion of Bradley Manning

Marcy Winograd on Leaving the Democratic Party and Opposing War

Coleen Rowley’s Top Ten Ways to Be a Good Citizen

Cindy Sheehan on the Venezuelan Constitution as a Model for the United States

Stephen M. Kohn on Our Government’s Attacks on Whistleblowers

Rebecca Vilkomerson on Jewish Voice for Peace

Medea Benjamin on Drone Wars and This Weekend’s Upcoming Drone Summit

Dahr Jamail: BP Oil Disaster Ongoing After Two Years

John Horgan on the End of War

Rocky Anderson on His Campaign for President

When a War Veteran Tortures His Daughter, and She Survives

The Power of Theater to End Militarism

3-Hour Military Test Secretly Administered in Thousands of High Schools

Students Hunger Strike for a Living Wage

Robert Naiman of Just Foreign Policy on Bahrain, AIPAC, and Military Spending

Paul Chappell on How We End War Forever 


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