Wall Street / Money Never Sleeps — FLNWO #11

Today on the Film, Literature and New World Order series, James and Richard Grove of the Tragedy and Hope community and the Peace Revolution podcast discuss Oliver Stone’s 1987 flick, Wall Street, and its 2010 follow-up, Money Never Sleeps. We discuss the movies’ historical context and significance, as well as how they relate to Grove’s own Wall Street whistleblowing experience.

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The Insider – Film, Literature & the New World Order

Oliver Stone’s Stockbroker Father Provided the Inspiration for Wall Street

How real are cinema psychos? New study finds out

Legally Pigally, and the descriptions of FINCAP and LAWCAP

20/20 Hindsight: Censorship on the Frontline

“Countering Criticism of the Warren Report” – CIA Document No. 1035-960

Next month: This Is What We Do.