Eric Zuesse
RINF Alternative News
This summarizes a new video,
filmed during 2-24 July 2014, uploaded to youtube on July 27th:
“Azov recruits” are the Ukrainian Obama regime’s elite SS force, shown swearing their oaths, proudly holding WolfsAngel (German Nazi-insignia) flags.
[product id=”131271″ sku=”1880026090“]Mothers in western Ukraine are interviewed, disgusted with nazi rulers sending their sons to murder people in the east.
(They know that these leaders are nazis, not only because of the insignia and slogans, but because of the massacres that started in Odessa on 2 May 2014, burning alive there hundreds of people in the Trade Unions Building, who protested there the coup-installed regime.)
“They took our people as volunteers!” (I.e.: mothers protest conscripting their sons to become murderers.)
“New Ukrainian Democracy: Forcefully driving cattle for slaughter.”
Picture is shown of those conscripts being driven into battle.
“Ukrainian Soldiers Film Their Dead in Donbass” (pictures are shown being taken of charred corpses, who were burned alive.)
Tanks come pouring into the area.
Tanks fire against holdouts.
Inside these tanks, there are celebrations of kills.
“Ukrainian Army Entering Slovyansk: July 5, 2014.”
9:53: Weapons are being offloaded, one box covered by a trooper’s jacket, with a huge swastika resting on it (the resistance-fighters are anti-nazis, not pro-nazis, and this jacket looks like it’s probably from one of the officers).
Tanks shoot toward a city and kill someone burning in flames.
[product id=”132937″ sku=”0615573010″]11:50-15:50: scared residents talk. “We want them to not suppress us.” “I just saw from a window how these defenders [troops of Kiev] arrived, and took put a bag on a man’s head, put him in a trunk, and loaded him [the ‘trunk’] up. I was shaking.” “It [the war] is needed to [by Ihor] Kolomoysky [Obama’s man].” “Look how many homes are destroyed.” “We were given [called] names, ‘separatists,’ ‘terrorists,’ ‘collaborators,’ whatever the hell this word means.” “Understand that if we take [opinions of] the population [into account], 75% voted for the [breakaway] republic, and 25% didn’t come to the referendum [didn’t vote].” (Those people saw what had happened to the people inside the Odessa Trade Unions Building on May 2nd, and the massacres since.)
16:00: “Today at 11 AM a plane came by. The first hit was on the village… There were no armies, nor soldiers, nor separatists. … People were simply sitting inside their homes. And here he released his torpedoes. … People died for nothing.” “Not a single Ukrainian [government] correspondent came to [film] this misery. All the ones that came were Russian. … Where are our Ukrainian journalists?”
19:30: [soldier] “We are the law.” [crowd] “What law? Where were you when people burned alive in Odessa?” “Fascists!” “F–king Right Sector scumbags!” “Get out of here, Bandera’s [Nazi] scum!” “Glory to Berkut [the former local police force, who were disbanded by Obama’s people]!”
The bottom line from this is: Ukraine’s troops are mainly conscripts, not (like Obama and his people) outright Nazis. They weren’t prepared to be sheer murderers. But their commanders are demanding that they be, and reward the ones who are.
22:30: Tanks fire rounds of bombs into Slovyansk area.
Almost an hour more of death, destruction, and corpses, are shown.
1:16:32: “The result is horrifying. … The scary thing is that deaths of civilians leave some indifferent, and some even enter into ecstasy. … You know, Russian TV channels are [now] banned. … It is most likely not a democracy. It is a dictatorship.”
1:17:55: [mother in the west] “Why take our children there [as conscripts] it they [residents] call them [the west’s troops] ‘Banderites’ [Ukrainian nazis]? … This is not a nation anymore. … How many lies! Why do they divide the people?”
1:21:08 Obama’s failed choice to become the new Ukrainian President, Yulia Tymoshenko, is on the phone: “Damn, we’ve got to arm up and go kill these damn kitsaps [their term like for ‘niggers’ or ‘kikes’ but actually here for Russians].” [Question: “What do we do with eight million Russians who are left on the territory of Ukraine?” Tymoshenko’s answer:] … We[‘ve] got to shoot them.”
Americans’ tax dollars are here shown at work, as per Obama’s and congressional Republicans’ desires. Congressional Democrats have remained quiet on this, because they don’t want to separate from and condemn a “Democratic” President.
America has sunk this low, on account of evil lying Obama and Republicans, plus, on the other side, spineless silent bought-out Democrats. Is this a country to be proud of? Who would have the nerve, or stupidity, or bold evil, to say that it is, before all of the responsible repulsive American politicians (like all of the ones who voted to invade Iraq) are voted out of office and replaced by decent people, so that America can be restored (if it still can be)?
This video is the surface of a deep scandal, which goes right back to Washington DC.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.