On January 24, 2014 teachers, staff from San Francisco Martin Luther King Middle school and public school advocates spoke out and challenged the physical abuse of students and massive bullying by the principal Natalie Eberhard and cover-up by Assistant principal Anthony Braxton and SFUSD Associate Superintendent Jeanie Pon. The Credential’s Committee illegally prevented the material witnesses from testifying in closed session and their lawyer Michael Butler flagrantly violated California law and the education code which requires that material witnesses who made the complaint be contacted and invited to give testimony.
Stop The Bullying And Racism! CTC Confronted By SF MLK Middle School Education Workers And Public School Advocates
The Committee on Teacher Credentials which disciplines school staff for committing violations of the California Education Code was challenged on January 24, 2014 by education workers and public school advocates. Complaints had been made about the physical abuse of a student at the Martin Luther King Middle School in San Francisco by principal Natalie Eberhard, a cover-up by assistant principal Anthony Braxton and Associate Superintendent Jeanie Pon. The Commission’s lawyer Michael Barth told the material witnesses that they could not testify in the closed hearing despite the law that allows this. This is a clear and flagrant violation of the rights of teachers and education staff while giving unfair treatment to principals and superintendents.
In Eberhard’s case she and her lawyer were able to address in CTC credentials committee in closed session while those who made the complaints were denied the same rights despite the law and education code. Governor Brown is directly responsible for this commission and is aware of the violations of the law and education code and California Attorney General Kamal Harris is also aware of systemic violations of the law and education code by the staff and lawyers but has refused to enforce the law at the agency. The was also a statewide audit and joint legislative hearing and the California Senator Darrell Steinberg is aware of the continuing illegal activity by this agency.
For more video:
SF Martin Luther King UESF School Teachers & Parents Protest Reign Of Bullying And Violence By Principal
Bullying And Violence By Principal
Stop Retaliation And Racism at SFUSD: UESF Members Speak Out At SF School Board Meeting
For more information
United Public Workers For Action
Production of Labor Video Project http://www.laborvideo.org