State-Sponsored Terror in Ukraine

State-Sponsored Terror in Ukraine
by Stephen Lendman
Nazism thrives in Ukraine. US-supported fascists govern this way. Democracy is verboten. 
Opposition isn’t tolerated. Freedom is a four-letter word. Putin addressed what’s ongoing responsibly.
Russia helped defeat Nazism in WW II. Putin sees its reemergence in Ukraine. He called it “utterly dangerous.” 
“It’s evidenced by the present-day tragic events in Ukraine, the rampancy of neo-Nazi forces that unleashed a veritable terror against civilians,” he said.
“Of course, we shall continue to resist attempts at falsifying history, at heroizing fascists and their henchmen, and at casting aspersions on the memory and good name of liberation heroes.” 
“We increasingly often encounter attempts to revise and distort history.”
He thanked Chinese friends “for keeping the memory of thousands of our compatriots who gave their lives for the liberation of North-Eastern China from invaders.”
Beijing “is our reliable friend,” he stressed. “To expand cooperation with China is undoubtedly Russia’s diplomatic priority.”
On Tuesday, he arrives in China. Before leaving he said “I believe the upcoming talks will inject strong impetus to various bilateral cooperation projects, as well as to the deepening of coordination between the two countries in the international arena.”
On Monday, Sergey Lavrov again called for halting Kiev aggression  in Eastern Ukraine.
“We still insist on the first unconditional step: a halt of the so-called anti-terrorist operation, which is turning into actions aimed at terrorizing citizens of Ukraine just for their political convictions,” he said.
He wants May 2 Odessa’s massacre responsibly investigated. “We will demand that the investigation be objective and impartial, and in order for that to happen it has to be international,” he stressed. 
“I have sent relevant letters to the UN secretary general and the OSCE secretary general,” he explained.
“We are outraged with what happened in Odessa and how the Ukrainian authorities treat this, we are outraged with the attempts to lie about the reasons of what happened and attempts to hide the truth.”
He wants two Russian LifeNews journalists immediately released. “When we obtained information that they were held and moved to a military base, charged with terrorism or plotting terrorist actions, we immediately employed our channels.” 
“I contacted Swiss President Didier Burkhalter who is the current OSCE chairman and urged him to use his authority, his powers to secure the immediate release of our journalists.”
“We are concerned that during combat actions, which are led by (Kiev’s) armed forces with the participation of radicals, extremists, militants of the Right Sector and other groups, some journalists are suffering.” 
“Very often they are detained, faced with fictitious demands, which do not fit into generally recognized norms. The latter concerns two journalists from the LifeNews channel.”
“Illegal arrests of journalists by the de facto administration of Ukraine should stop.”
Continuing them constitutes “a major violation of freedom of the press.”
Late Saturday, Kiev forces lawlessly confronted Oleg Sidyankin and Marat Saichenko. They arrested them. They harassed them. They handcuffed them. They detained them.
They’re missing. Their whereabouts are unknown. They’re endangered for doing their job. 
Russia demands their immediate release. Its Foreign Ministry asked the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna and Kiev to help free them.
Lavrov spoke to OSCE chair Didier Burkhalter. He pressed him to seek their release. He was promised efforts to do so.
They’re wrongfully charged with participating in Ukrainian Security Service Alfa officer interrogations.
Lavrov wants Russia’s EU/NATO relations re-evaluted. He wants them reviewed. He does so in regard to Ukrainian crisis conditions.
They require “essential rethinking,” he said. Mutual disagreements must be resolved. 
Russia bashing must stop. It’s mainly from Washington. European officials regurgitate it. So do Western media scoundrels irresponsibly.
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen repeats it. He’s a convenient US stooge. On May 19, he shamelessly accused Russia of “aggression.”
He did so numerous times before. He made other spurious charges. He turned truth on its head doing so.
He ludicrously called Kiev’s sham May 25 elections “an important opportunity to find a peaceful way forward for a united Ukraine.”
He claimed Ukrainians will “have a chance to make their free and democratic choice, in line with national law and international standards.”
He lied saying so. Previous articles explained. Democracy is excluded from ballot choices. Fascist ones alone infest them.
Results are largely pre-determined. Ordinary Ukrainians have no say whatever. 
Hypocrisy substitutes for democracy. Fascists govern this way.
“We see a completely new security situation in Europe,” said Rasmussen. “It is less predictable and more dangerous.”  
“For NATO, this has implications now and for the future.”
So-called security threats don’t exist. NATO militarism alone is dangerous. Deploying warships, planes and troops near Russia’s borders reveals hostile intent to start trouble.
So does conducting provocative military exercises. Claiming they aim “to test (NATO’s) ability to repel an attack against an ally” doesn’t wash.
So-called “readiness” reveals US-led NATO’s hostile intentions. Potential lawless aggression masquerades as “collective defense.”
Claimed “credible deterrence” reflects the same thing.
“NATO is based on solidarity,” said Rasmussen. It’s “all for one and one for all.” It’s “keep(ing) every ally safe.”
Despite no need to do so. So-called threats are ones NATO invents. “Shared security” is cover for provocative saber rattling.
US-led NATO wars have nothing to do with defeating foreign threats. Or vanquishing tyranny. Or preventing its scourge. 
Or humanitarian intervention. Or responsibility to protect. Or spreading democracy. Or making societies more fit to live in. 
Or proving America alone can do it. Or showing militarism solves problems. Or claiming war seeks peace.
Or saying US-led NATO targeting humanity achieves it. Or believing anything Washington says holds water. 
Or it intervenes for right over wrong. Or its aims at all times are altruistic. 
Or accepting its upside down reality. Right-siding it for peace, equity and justice matters most. 
Doing so requires defeating Washington’s scourge. It’s humanity’s greatest threat. 
It risks nuclear war by miscalculation. It threatens mass annihilation. It endangers everyone on planet earth. 
Eliminating it matters most. Making societies fit to live in. Making them safe. Before it’s too late. While there’s still time.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at 
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