Prisoners of the Real: An Odyssey

An intellectual odyssey — from Pythagoras to planetary consciousness — and a new vision of freedom and cooperation. 

Prisoners of the Real makes the connection between solar and lunar knowledge, illuminating the cost of society’s preoccupation with certainty and order. Exploring insights from linguistics, psychology, physics, literature, philosophy and management science, it opens the door to a new vision of freedom and cooperation — Dionysian leadership.

“Dionysian leaders use artistic methods to invent structures of reality. Although they acknowledge that scientific and artistic processes have equal worth, they de-emphasize logical reasoning and deduction and focus on metaphorical thinking. Their interest is not definition but discovery.”

Section One: The Rational Trap
The Creative Also Destroys * Deconstructing Leadership * Anatomy of Insecurity * Managers and Their Tools * The Corporate Way of Life * The Dictatorship of Time * Rules for Rationals * The Age of Adaptability * Living with Rational Management

Section Two: Philosophy of the Real 
Section Three: New World Disorders
Section Four: Restructuring Reality — The Dionysian Way