Lavrov on Washington’s Dirty War
by Stephen Lendman
A previous article called Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov a world class diplomatic. He shames his Western counterparts.
He’s a true peace advocate. He works tirelessly for it. He faces long odds. He’s matched against Washington’s villainy.
It prioritizes war humanity. It rages out-of-control. It’s for unchallenged world dominance.
It’s about eliminating all independent governments. It’s for destroying their sovereignty.
It’s about replacing them with pro-Western stooges. Eliminating major rivals matter most.
Lavrov said seeds for ongoing Ukrainian crisis conditions were sown in April 2008. It’s when US-led NATO urged Ukraine and Georgia maintain closer alliance relations.
Plans to do so were discussed. It happened “during the (April 2008) NATO summit in Bucharest,” said Lavrov.
It’s “when NATO leaders stated in a declaration that Georgia and Ukraine would be in NATO.”
At the time, US-installed puppet president Mikhail Saakasvhili used what happened as license to invade South Ossetia.
“He was certainly motivated by this NATO promise,” said Lavrov. He acted at Washington’s behest. Attacking was strategically timed.
After Soviet Russia’s 1991 dissolution, South Ossetia broke free from Georgia. It declared independence. It’s home to many Russian nationals.
Moscow responded responsibly. Conflict continued for days. Then President Medvedev was on vacation. Then Prime Minister Putin was in Beijing.
In half a day before Russia intervened, 1,700 people were killed. Included were 12 Russian peacekeepers.
Moscow was wrongfully blamed for Georgian aggression. It’s vilified for Washington’s war on Ukrainian freedom.
Hegemons operate this way. Russia has good reason for concern. Ukraine’s conflict could erupt into a major East/West confrontation.
Washington appears going all-out to provoke one. Putin’s a master chess player. He bested Obama’s dirty game.
He prioritizes resolving things diplomatically. He urged all parties to do so. He wants all Ukrainians treated fairly.
He wants peace. He wants violence ended. He wants free, fair, open elections. He wants democratic ones.
He wants what Obama opposes. He steadfastly pursues what everyone deserves. He continues doing so responsibly.
He’s geopolitically polar opposite Obama. He deserves Nobel prize recognition. He merits worldwide support.
So does Lavrov. He correctly said “attempts to draw Ukraine into NATO would be negative for the entire system of European security and we would be categorically against it.”
Including Ukraine would take a giant step toward global conflict. It would threaten world peace. It would risk the unthinkable.
Lavrov blames Washington for instigating Ukrainian crisis conditions. Its motivation is sinister. It’s threatening.
It’s for expanding its global footprint. It’s about advancing its imperium.
“The real aim of the United States is not to let Europeans to go on their own, not to let NATO lose the purpose of its existence and to keep Europe on a short leash,” said Lavrov.
“Ukrainians are killing Ukrainians. I believe it is as close to a civil war as it can get.”
“In the east of Ukraine there is a real war with heavy weapons shot. If this is something conducive to free and fair elections, then I don’t understand something in freedom and fairness.”
“If the West for the sake of revenge is ready to sacrifice its reputation as a reliable partner for the entire world economy and for the entire world financial system, if the United States is prepared to sacrifice its reputation as the holder of the key reserve currency, then it’s up to them to decide.”
“This path would lead to other nations seeking ways to limit America’s leverage on them.”
“If the next morning somebody in Washington woke up in a bad mood and decided to start a coup elsewhere – not in Ukraine, but in Latin America, in their own backyard as they perceive it – those people must be prepared for this situation.”
Moscow didn’t invade Ukraine, said Lavrov. It has no plans to intervene militarily. Peaceful conflict resolution is prioritized.
Lavrov respects Donetsk and Lugansk referendum results. He wants all Ukrainian regions represented is responsible dialogue. Except parties committing crimes of war and against humanity, he stressed.
He expressed grave concerns about Kiev using attack helicopters with UN markings. They’re doing so against Eastern Ukrainians.
He’s disturbed about US mercenaries operating the same way. He fears things escalating out of control more than ever.
He raised “deep concern” about Kiev’s opposition to OSCE-proposed conflict resolution principles.
“(I)t effectively puts into question the prospects of the OSCE’s efforts to launch an inclusive national dialogues,” he said.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry referred to Kiev’s “phony attempts to make snarky remarks by Arseniy Yatsenyuk.”
“From the side of the Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry, there were obscure statements that without Ukraine, no one can discuss political deadlock in the country.”
“It looks like in Kiev they forgot that the situation in Ukraine is in the focus of all responsible international partners.”
“Obviously, Yatsenyuk and his team should first of all talk to the Ukrainian people, not ‘from above’ but as equals, without annoying ultimatums and illegal use of force.”
Kiev’s agenda contradicts agreed on Geneva four-party terms. It’s “in direct conflict.” It prioritizes ending hostilities.
Kiev’s “unwillingness to listen to the international community” undermines peaceful conflict resolution.
Eastern Ukrainian freedom fighters won’t stop resisting. They reject Kiev putschists. They deplore being called “terrorists.”
State-terrorism is official Kiev policy. Growing thousands in Eastern Ukraine oppose it. They’re doing so responsibly.
It may be just a matter of time before Western Ukrainians react the same way. They’ve been had. They won’t stay silent forever.
Fascism is universally hated. It’s viciousness is well understood. War without mercy reflects mercy. Waging it threatens humanity. Eliminating it is top priority.
Kiev’s notion of responsible conflict resolution is none at all. Yatsenyuk’s proposed “national unity roundtables” with “representatives of all political forces from all regions and civil society” it phony.
It’s cover for enforcing hardline rule. National Security chief Andriy Parubiy revealed Kiev’s true agenda, saying:
“The counterterrorist operation will go on regardless of any decisions by any (Eastern Ukrainian) subversive or terrorist groups.”
He acting on direct US orders. One fascist regime supports another. Washington controls things.
On Wednesday, Crimea’s Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov offered Eastern Ukrainians humanitarian aid.
“Crimea will support (its) people,” he said. “We were in the same situation, but luckily for us we passed through it without losses.”
“But it happened so that people there have to hold the line and fight for their lives. Of course we will be offering humanitarian aid to the extent possible, sending foodstuffs, articles of daily necessity.”
Crimean Supreme Council Chairman Vladimir Konstantinov, said Ukraine as Crimeans once knew it no longer exists. It’s coup-appointed government is illegitimate.
It’s “an aggressive entity, trying to legitimize itself not through a dialogue. That is why, the initiative of the regions is their means of survival.”
A previous article discussed Kiev’s water wars. Coup-appointed putschists closed North Crimean Canal sluices. They run from the Khakhovka Reservoir to Kersh.
Weeks earlier, Kiev cut water flows from 90 cubic meters per second to seven cubic meters.
It’s the lowest technically feasible volume. It acted in response to Russian reunification. It inflicted unconscionable punishment.
It’s going further. Satellite images show it’s deliberately trying to cut Crimea’s water entirely. It’s building a dam to do so.
Russian authorities seek ways to supply fresh water. Its Ministry of Natural Resources is working on how to do it.
The Krasnodar region Kuban River can supply fresh water to the North Crimean Canal. It’s providing limited supplies now. Much more is needed.
Natural Resources Ministry head Dmitry Kirilov said:
“As one of options of providing the peninsula with water, we are considering an option of drawing water supply from the Kuban River and channeling it through the Strait of Kerch to the end portion of North Crimean Canal.”
Doing so requires building an underground pipeline in three segments. Each would stretch about 130 kilometers. Construction will cost about $2.8 billion.
“The topography allows to run the water in the opposite direction, from the east to north-west, using the cut off North Crimean Canal,” said Kirillov.
“Water from Kuban will be enough to meet the needs of housing, utilities, and agriculture of Crimea.”
Before Crimean reunification with Russia, Ukraine supplied about 85% of its water. It wants it cut off entirely. Washington supports its harshness.
Inflicting unreasonable pain and suffering is longstanding US policies. Rogue states operate this way. America is by far the world’s worst.
A Final Comment
On May 14, Donetsk Central Election Committee head Roman Lyagin announced:
“Today, the Central Election Committee of the DPR controls all the 22 territorial election committees.”
“This means the elections of Ukrainian president on DPR’s territory are not possible both technical and for security reasons.”
Perhaps other Eastern regions will follow suit. Growing thousands reject Kiev putschists.
They want freedom. They want fundamental rights respected. They want democratic ones. They want what Kiev opposes.
They intend fighting for right over wrong. They deserve worldwide support.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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