Kipling’s “Kim” — FLNWO #09

In his 1901 novel “Kim” (audiobook here) Rudyard Kipling paints a vivid portrait of an orphaned vagabond in 19th century India. After joining himself to a Tibetan lama on a spiritual quest, Kim stumbles into the middle of the Great Game for imperial conquest of Central Asia between Russia and Britain. Joining us to examine the continuing importance of this novel is David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider.

For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.

For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).


“The new great game” as opposed to Rudyard Kipling’s “old” great game

Review of “Kim” from 1901

George Orwell’s Essay on Rudyard Kipling

Next month: Troll Hunter